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Comment Re:Not much of a threat really (Score 1) 40

There is one saving grace with those "spectre" types of attack is they rely on measuring tiny changes in timing over a relatively long time to gather one single bit out of statistical noise.
And they need the system to be very "quiet".

It's like listening to a mouse's noises inside a cabinet to infer how many cans of food are in there without opening the door.
It stops working when the neighbor is throwing a trash-metal party, drowning everything in noise.

The proof-of-concepts fails when programs other than the target are also running hard.

Fixes in theory can be implemented in software: anything raising the noise floor above the data we want to secure.
Do extra unnecessary calculations both random and fake static keys in parallel to the real decoding operation.
Generate so much noise that it'd take the heat-death of the universe to statistically figure out the bits, or at least long enough that the sensitive data is long gone from memory.

In combination to frequently transforming the stored data using random XOR keys, by the time one bit is figured out that bit has already been randomly invalidated, with not enough time to figure out both the random XOR key and the actual data we're interested in.

Comment Re:Message to Tim Cuck (Score 2) 191

Of course, this does not represent the whole country, but is driven by violence in inner-city slums. And the same is true for police shootings.

And they don't seem to ever talk about incident rates contextualised by region, notably outside of those hyper-violent slums.
Incidence of death by police is much more proportional outside of those slums, and lowers the further away you get.

Or never ever mention that police violence disproportionally targets men:women at above 10:1 rate, while it targets blacks:whites at 2.5 : 1 rate

Solve the race inequality and disregard gender inequality: 60% reduction in police-related death of African Americans
Solve the gender inequality and disregard race inequality: 90% reduction in police-related death of African Americans (and all other men too)

But hey, why try to solve over 90% of a problem, when you can instead try to solve less than 60% and segregate people by race at the same time.

Comment Re:Edit (Score 1) 417

Trump makes a crass joke years ago: Multiple large protest-marches in the streets wearing pink pussy hats over a joke.

Biden literally touchy-grabby snorts the hair of multiple little girls clearly creeping them TF out in public on camera: *crickets*

I'm disappointed.
I was looking forward to an 80's rockstars styles giant hair wig with giant noses on top protest march or something.

Comment Re:Sure (Score 1) 171

Bullshit, you had to sign up for Selective Service when you turned 18, it was a crime not to.
Selective Service was the draft.

Maybe nonBORG is female. This legal and deadly obligation doesn't apply to them.

And some men don't notice they signed up as it was part of the driver license forms.

Comment Re:In before "Ending population growth" is "racist (Score 1) 395

Before the "The bible is as just as bad" crowd:
Proverbs 31:16 onward talks about women buying and owning property, earning income, farming, and providing for their family just the same as men.
but more on topic, this part in particular: "When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness." -Proverbs 31:26

So women's:
property ownership: Check.
earning income: Check.
making her own decisions on property & family matters: Check.
education: Check.
providing for her family same as a man: Check.
being respected for her actions: Check.
being respected for her knowledge: Check.

This is why even fundamental Bible-thumpers are a few degrees less harmful and easier to correct than Quran-thumpers

more translations:

Comment Re:In before "Ending population growth" is "racist (Score 1) 395

Yes. The reason behind the Holy Crusades was to stop the frequent Islamic slave trader raiding parties that kept raiding southern Europe to capture slaves.

It was done by the Church (and therefore "Holy" ) because they were the only ones with the power, capacity and more importantly the logistics to organise such war against slavery. It wasn't strictly-speaking religiously motivated.

And Africa is still today a cesspool of slavery even tho Western media prefers to address what has been (and a very short event at that) than address what is still happening today and has been happening for thousands of years.

Because slavery is quite implicitly (and depending on the interpretation, even explicitly) endorsed by Islam.

So it's going to stay a problem until a new holy prophet of Islam overrules all that nasty stuff in a similar way that the newer texts of Jesus overrules the Old Testament for Christians. The worst I'd expect from strict followers of Jesus is them flipping tables and a light whipping if I'd solicit commercial sales on their church's property.

And this is absolutely on-topic as Islam is one of the biggest hurdle to "educating women" in Africa.

Comment Re:In before "Ending population growth" is "racist (Score 1) 395

If you're going to go for wholesale murder of one group, you might as well get another group in as a 2-for-1 deal.

Who the hell said anything about going around murdering anyone as a solution to bad ideologies?
People can address bad ideologies without resorting to genocide.

Bring the hyperbolics down a notch please.

Comment Re:In before "Ending population growth" is "racist (Score 1) 395

In itself there is no problem with "Educating women" or anyone for that matter.

The problem comes from the fact they've been at this for over 40 years pouring huge amount of money (and lives) into it and getting nowhere and will not address why their efforts are effectively getting nowhere fast.
And the reason is various religious groups, cults, superstitions, and community leaders actively working to keep their own people in the stone age.

Activists will simply not address the jerks that keep kicking down the education sand castles.

40 years from now we'll still be at the same point if they keep refusing to put on their big pants, stop being cowards and point at the elephant stomping around Africa.
And the problem is not "white colonialism" or "a right wing white supremacist conspiracy" like some other activists keep screaming.

All this insanity and cowardice prevents solving the problem.

Comment Re:In before "Ending population growth" is "racist (Score 1) 395

"Idiotic", huh?

Just look up the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls with Michelle Obama.

Not #StopKillingOurBoys (which Boko Haram did before, did during, and do still to this day)
Not #StopBokoHaram

No. Michelle Obama, only cared that girls got kidnapped that one time, and stopped caring as soon as the girls got returned.
That's where the large platform "activists" attention stopped.

Comment Re:In before "Ending population growth" is "racist (Score 1) 395

Thanks for listing countries. By showing education discrepancies between east and west you have directly agreed with the scientists, and for the large part activists too.

You're doing it right now, using euphemisms like "education discrepancies".

There has been more than sufficient effort to educate Africa for DECADES.
The problem isn't "education discrepancies". The problem is the backward toxic portion inside many African cultures & traditions such as fundamental Islam.

The elements that go around killing teacher, killing students "tainted" with western education, burning down schools to keep their own population barely out of the stone age.

I have my popcorn ready, but I'm afraid I don't know why I should eat it. Were you going to invite me to a movie or something?

But sure, be snarky and act like you don't understand while proving my point.
Feign you don't know why. Pretend there's no elephant.

Comment In before "Ending population growth" is "racist" (Score 5, Insightful) 395

I am frankly amused "Educating women" is the dodge they used.
Elephant? What elephant?

Activists cant bring themselves to directly and openly say it and instead insist on lecturing countries with shrinking population about the over-population problem.

Countries with fertility rate UNDER 2.0 (shrinking population) :
USA, Canada, Russia, Spain, UK, France, Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia, Germany, Brazil, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Portugal, Poland, Greece, ...
TLDR: Central+East Asian and European/Western countries

Countries with fertility ABOVE 3.0:
Niger, Somalia, Mali, Chad, Angola, Uganda, Nigeria, Mozambique, Central African Republic, Rep of Congo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ethiopia, Yemen, Kenya, Zimbabwe, ...
TLDR: African and Middle-East countries

With this knowledge you can now make popcorn and enjoy watching activists desperately beating around the bush, ideologically conflicted, figuratively pulling oratorical dance moves that would make Cirque du Soleil jealous to not be associated with the people parading with Tiki torches and pointy ghost costumes.

At some point they will have to address the issue of various fanatical groups like Boko Haram that are expressly against "educating women" or any form of education for that matter other than what is fundamentally religiously-permitted.

But activists just keep passing the hot potato around.

Comment Re:Father of 5 here - it's urban planning (Score 1) 172

and realizing they have no conflict resolution skills.

Part of this has to be blamed on the anti-bullying crusade that's been going on for years.

A school in BC, Canada even had a complete no-contact policy for the kids, not even hand-holding. 5-6 years old kindergarten kids told they can't touch one another.

And in some places letting your kids walk to the park a block down the road gets you threatened by child protection services for child endangerment and neglect.

Comment Re:End of the world coming, why not? (Score 1) 172

What actually happened? Famine is no longer a thing that happens. Life is easier, healthier, and more prosperous for almost everyone in the world.

And that might be the actual problem.
For thousands of years humans lived in constant struggle and fear (famine, plagues, war, winter, droughts, locusts, wolves/bears/mooses/andeverythinginaustralia, ...) and it looks like we (as a group average) can't cope.

There aren't enough real problems so medias and politicians need to whip up people into an artificial frenzy to keep the ad-selling eyeballs and election-winning votes going.

People don't get hurt enough so now "micro-aggressions" are a major issue worthy of cancelling events and firing people (having completely skipped over "mini-aggressions" or "milli-aggressions" mind you).

When things are going too well some people invent stuff to panic about.

Royalty 300 years ago didn't live as comfortably and as healthily as even our lower class today.
Even the "3rd world" is progressing at amazing speed (with the occasional hiccups but that's normal too)

We're doing fantastic all things considered.

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