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Comment Won't help (Score 1) 99

IDK about the American prices, but my problem with it is that it is too expensive for something that is barely food. Even If you just accept that it is an unhealthy snack and you feel like indulging in it, the value proposition isn't very good.
A large meal is even worse, because it just adds more of all the cheap crap, water with sugar and more fries.
With half an hour of work, I can cook someting myself that tastes better, has more meat and does not contain all the crap.

Comment Re:Sorry but this is BS (Score 1) 143

That isn't 100% true.
I can control 35-40 functions in my Model 3 from my iPhone using shortcuts, such as open trunk / AC / alarm / windows / start-stop-limit charging etc etc
So I can have Siri(shudder) control it, use it with my Apple home automation like start defrosting the car when I get up in the morning if the temperature is below freezing.

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
