Comment AI vs human (Score 1) 56
Since human therapists have given life advice like to cheat on your partner - can this be worse?
Since human therapists have given life advice like to cheat on your partner - can this be worse?
It turns out that helping to secure your own borders is the best policy any sovereign power should ensure with the help of it's peoples. After the Russian evasion of southern California, Google employees were upset at their governments inability to retaliate. It turns out that sense missile strikes were deemed to inaccurate and civilian losses deemed to high only a minimal resistance could be mustered in the short time frame of the hostile action. Ironically when Google was asked 5 years ago to help improve missile accuracy they declined to help THEIR OWN COUNTRY DEFEND ITSELF.
so Grand Theft Auto could now be the size of the metropolitan L.A. -- or Chicago -- or Miami
That sounds great and all as long as they don't add in real world traffic... imagin getting off work early loading up the game and getting stuck in the rush hour traffic you just avoided in real life. HA
But it might help with level setting commute times. My mom swears it takes her 5 minutes to get to my house when it's really 15... The Sims game taught me no matter how fast I think I am it usually takes me 15 - 25 minutes to get ready for work from a dead sleep and 45 minutes taking my time. I have adjusted my alarms accordingly.
It would be great if it got rid of those annoying Microsoft ads that come up. Or if you are one of those unlucky people with home edition the mandatory upgrades that force your computer to close, even if you don't want to install it.
But hey i'm acting like I own my computer, I forgot I am really leasing it from the OS.
Einstein changed the way we looked at gravity. Because before we thought of it in a very 'Newtonian' way. That gravity simply pulls us and that works for simple examples. But Einstein's gravity is not like that at all. Einstein gave us gravity as a function of geometry, and if you google 'blackhole space curve' and look at the images you will understand. Gravity creates a hole and if you are near/close to it you fall in. The falling is gravity, it changes the vector for an object at rest in a given location based on the mass of nearby objects.The physical Earth is in the way of us falling to the core so we simply stand on it, but the pressure in the core of all the mass on earth trying to squeeze lower is huge. -- This may lead to other questions but those are trivial and left as a exercise to the reader.
retracting his proof this quickly and acknowledging error takes fortitude and a type of perseverance not often seen.
Bravo in the attempt
networks that need near lossless transmission already have a premium cost. This is a real thing and has been for a couple decades. Whether it be from a HQ to a regional office or a hedge fund to a wall street broker. Dedicated P2P is a premium and no is suggesting it shouldn't be.
So the average 40 hour a week American works 2,000 hours a year. So he saved the Pentagon the equivalent of 1 person. 1,200 man hours is nothing
In CS you learn that Math actually fully describes language -- ask anyone who has taken mathematical foundations of computing. Mathematics of finite state machines. -- I am going to wave a magic wand here - but one of the simple state machines - can determine if a string is a palindrome or concatenate two strings. This type of topic would have been covered in first three weeks.
All language syntax is in essence a math problem where you can check correctness of syntax easily, but not meaning. So concatenation is easily created - and happens to be easily checked in O(n) time.
In CS you learn that Math actually fully describes language -- ask anyone who has taken mathematical foundations of computing, mathematics of finite state machines. -- I am going to wave a magic wand here - but one of the simple state machines - can determine if a string is a palindrome or concatenate two strings. This type of topic would have been covered in first three weeks.
All language syntax is in essence a math problem where you can check correctness of syntax easily, but not meaning. So concatenation is easily created - and happens to be easily checked in O(n) time.
If you go to the site you will notice that the reserve price of the truck is only 1,500 USD... so take 7000 pre-orders and you have around 10.5 M USD. Perhaps they are thinking of the total price of the truck? so 2.3 B / 7000 = 329k for the truck.
Batman: Beautiful, isn't it?
Lucius Fox: Beautiful... unethical... dangerous. You've turned every cellphone in Gotham into a microphone.
Batman: And a high-frequency generator-receiver.
Lucius Fox: You took my sonar concept and applied it to every phone in the city. With half the city feeding you sonar, you can image all of Gotham. This is *wrong*.
Batman: I've gotta find this man, Lucius.
Lucius Fox: At what cost?
Batman: The database is null-key encrypted. It can only be accessed by one person.
Lucius Fox: This is too much power for one person.
Batman: That's why I gave it to you. Only you can use it.
Lucius Fox: Spying on 30 million people isn't part of my job description.
~Thank you EJ Snowden for understanding the cost
In the early years of electricity light bulb makers realized how to make light bulbs last for up to 5 years or longer. However someone else quickly realized that this would mean people would only buy light bulbs every X years as replacements. So a light bulb standard was introduced and passed through congress that effectively limited the lifespan of the light bulb to 1 year. Thus guarantee that people would purchase the product many times.This is called planned obsolescence and exists to this day because of the Phoebus cartel.
links to proof IEEE:
So about patent expiration and things that get bigger when someone does not hold the patent any longer : drugs. And lets pick My favorite drug to talk about Viagra. Viagra started as a possible high blood pressure treatment, but the side effects were amazing as we all know, its patent was scheduled to expire in 2012. So Pfizer sold it for what it did best. Then it became profitable and they increased the price to 60 a pill and a minimum or 8 pills costs someone 500 USD or so. But if Pfizer can show Viagra is a treatment for more than what it was originally marketed for, they can issue a whole new patent for the drug. This is what drug manufacturers do to keep control of a drug and its profits. This is par for the course. Lucky for you and me this drug seems to have only two good usages, luckily i have high blood pressure
So there is literally a market waiting to explode based on a patent expiring.
Case 2: cell phone modems. This technical patent expired around '99 and those companies selling beepers upgraded to selling cell phones.
Case 3: K-cups
Case 4: 3D printing - the entire industry kick started in 2013 once the patents expired , and then in 2014 when most of the rest expired
Case 5: Kodak and the digital photography patent : (should be #1 but everyone studies this is college as one of the greatest mistakes )
case 6: home telephones: At&t used to lease telephones to people who paid for a home phone - thats why we all grew up with a phone that all looked the same in the 40's 50's 60's 70's and 80's. In the 80's however they were sued that it was unfair to hold the patent and make people pay for the phone... then all these new shaped phones came out... and the cords got longer which was great.. then they got tangled
These are the top ones that come to mind in 5 minutes if I actually gave it some thought I could probably come up with some good ones.
Energy production should not take place in LEO -- reason being is that you move too fast in LEO to send energy anywhere consistently. if you were going to put say solar collectors in space you need to go all the way up to geo sync orbit so that you can hit a ground station receiver all the time.
those all sound like examples of doing agile wrong -- at some point if it is a big project - it is a big project and you deliver what you can when you can
If Machiavelli were a hacker, he'd have worked for the CSSG. -- Phil Lapsley