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Comment Why (Score 3, Interesting) 105

I understand the sentiment, though I disagree with it. "Trump == BAD || Trump == OTHERPARTY" so let's do all we can to delegitimize the election."

But widespread hacking seems to me to be a near impossibility, due to the way the US election system is set up. For those outside the country: We don't have a central counting system. It's district-by-district, state-by-state. With different machines, people, safeguards, watchers, etc. Not impermeable, but pretty darn good.

If the Russians did "hack" the election, it was via propaganda to change the hearts and minds of voters. Which is exactly what our politicians do every day. So even if they were involved, even at the request of a given candidate, I don't quite see the problem. It's just the modus operandi, working as designed to fool the American public into voting for a particular candidate.

Comment Re:'Developed a Clear Preference' For Trump (Score 4, Informative) 734

The US is a group of 50 states with completely separate governments, ideals, constitutions. My point is that the ideals and size of the state of California account for the entirety of the difference.

My state, Tennessee, is VASTLY different than California. Everybody is using a popular vote argument like the country is united against Trump, which is not accurate.

Comment Re:'Developed a Clear Preference' For Trump (Score 3, Informative) 734

You mean the US electoral college and Putin, because in popular vote terms, California preferred Clinton.

FTFY. And of course those who want citations:

California chose Hillary by 3.4 million cotes. Hillary won nationwide popular vote by 2.9 million votes. The entire difference and then some is the state of California.

Comment Basic small-government argument. (Score -1, Flamebait) 357

Basically, they're doing what everybody did before the government injected itself into every facet of life. "Autonomous vehicle testing permit?" Who is the government to say they know more about autonomous vehicle testing than the people actually creating it?

With this great liberty comes risk, of course. The moment someone gets run over, the jig is up.

Comment Will it stand? (Score 1) 155

I think it's probably a good thing too, but will it stand the test of judicial review?

If I am a business and I want to put a non-disparagement clause or review gag order into my contracts, I don't see why I can't. Nobody is forced to do business with me, and they entered knowingly (presumably) into the agreement.

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