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Comment Re:Not Even Close (Score 1) 403

Or they could just release an exclusive Zelda title on it ... I guess I'd be forced to buy it then.

That's exactly right. None of the games available for it right now are games that I would buy even if I already had the console.

I don't understand how they could release a new nintendo console without a Zelda game or a "real" Mario game and it expect it to sell at all.

Comment Makes sense (Score 1) 648

After all, we do have to prove that we own a horse and buggy before we are allowed to ride the bus.
If new technology was allowed to replace the old, it would be madness! Just think--all those people who make a living by delivering ice to our houses so we can keep our food cold would be out of a job!!

Comment Maybe, just maybe... (Score 1) 158

...the final design will be quieter.

Combat pants use buttons instead of zippers because they are quieter--government contractors know how to make things to spec.
If this is being planned for uses where noise is an issue, then it will be as quiet as it needs to be.

Comment Online version different (Score 1) 427

From tfa:

While the online Cleverbot searches its banks 3 times before providing an answer, the test version searched 42 times, so it probably has a little different feel.

I doubt that the test version would really be as good as a human, but it should at least be better than what we get testing the online version.

Comment Are you sure it is 'because' not 'in spite of'? (Score 1) 235

Notch made no mention that they picked 11/11/11 'because' other games had done so. More likely, they picked it because it is a numerically cool (and memorable) date just like why the other games and movies picked it.

Other things being equal, companies usually pick launch dates that aren't crowded.

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