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Comment Re: Different? vs VSCode? (Score 1) 29

Maybe I misunderstood what you meant, but Zed is not atom-based. VSCode and other editors based on it have direct Atom ascendancy, however in the case of Zed is mostly in the developer team, and thus many concepts about what an editor should be are similar or evolved from those in Atom.

Comment Re: Doesn't run on Windows yet (Score 1) 29

Many IDEa are slow because they are 1) written in Java and/or 2) they integrate the debugging information in the editing structures in a suboptimal way and/or 3) they have a heavy user interface and/or 4) the internal data structures of the editor are badly conceived to start with.

A lot of programmers that understand debugging have limited understanding of text editing, and so on. Understanding of efficient algorithms is today less widespread than it used many years ago, even though we know a lot more of very efficient algorithms, esp. heuristic ones.

I used IDEs capable of debugging and interactive code manipulation on a Mac 30+ years ago. And they were relatively snappy. There is no reason they should not be extremely snappy today, except library and UI bloat, which often happens today in almost every piece of SW.

Integrating gdb-like functionality in an editor like Zed should not be too difficult. In fact, an interface over gdb should be easy to code, but they have limited time and resources (mostly human).

Comment Re:Doesn't run on Windows yet (Score 2) 29

To me it speaks that it manages to be sleek, fast, have an uncluttered look, and not relying on humongous things like Electron.
Also, there i actual research on the data structures behind the scenes. I helped a bit optimize the choice of memory allocator and parameters for the lengths of the ropes. It can load very large files almost instantaneously.

It has a few rough edges and some features are incomplete, but it has enormous promise. The windows version is coming out soon.

Comment Re:Shit hi-fi (Score 1) 208

Warning: curmudgeonly old guy rant. Feel free to mod down.

I would go so far as to say almost all consumer sound products are crap today and not just Apple. You can still get quality equipment that delivers great audio but most music is consumed through mobile devices over bluetooth and the end result is dreck to my ears.

I believe that almost all consumer sound products have always been crap. The main difference is that today you can get also extremely good equipment at fair prices, be it some second hand classic vintage stuff or some modern DAC (sub 1K$, based on Sabre, CS, Rohm or AKM chips) an essentially perfect amplifiers that have no audible distortion, noise and frequency variations and that can drive almost any speaker around (for instance the NCore or Purifi offers). So the situation today is actually better, even though the snake oil vendors are trying to tell you you need a 500pound turntable, a set of D'Agostino amps driving Wilson Chromosomic speakers.

Comment Re:Mixed machines (Score 1) 21

I'm in agreement with you - but you do at least have the option of disabling system integrity protection, which removes the constraints you mention.

(On Intel Macs, anyway - not sure about M1/M2)

You can indeed disable SIP also on an Apple Silicon Mac. I know because I did it to let SwitchResX add new resolutions to my MacBook Air's display.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 114

A weirdly larger percentage of developers use Macs than probably should.

When Apple switched to x86 processors you could get one machine that ran all 3 major operating systems, doesn't seem weird to me.

And with the new machines you can get one machine that can run all 3 major operating systems, on "both" architectures!

Comment Re:Subsidizing the industries of the past (Score 4, Interesting) 124

RISC-V can't be taken seriously as a successor to ARM.

Sure it can. RISC-V and ARM are 2 architectures that essentially do the same thing. And thus are interchangeable. No fundamental reason one couldn't take an ARM based SoC, replace the ARM part with a RISC-V part, and use the resulting SoC for same application(s) as before.

Well, no. The ARM architecture (and IP) defines a ton of aspects of the architecture, in particular how the cores interact with the Caches, the interconnect, and the peripherals. Whereas several components can be adapted to work with different architectures, and some are connected through industry standard interconnects (such as PCIe), many other components need to talk to each other using a specific set of protocols. The ARM Architecture is not just a ISA, it is a complete Architecture. So, by taking out ARM cores from an ARM-based SoC and replacing it with something different would result in IP infringement. There is a ton of work going into architecting several aspects of the complete architecture - in fact more work than "just" the ISA. RISC-V is at the moment not much more than a set of ISAs.

Comment Re:This is a very different approach (Score 1) 213

" Apple explicitly said that binaries are translated at the moment of the installation. "

Not sure what you're arguing with here, but Apple said it did this...among other things.

They said that they have that (when you install the app, it is automatically translated), AND that they also provided patches to various JITs to allow them to output the new native code in place of x86.

Also, it's a translation and not a re-compilation. Finally, Rosetta 2 must be present during execution (in case it also needs to do runtime translation).

Translation and compilation are the same thing, to the point that in German they are the same word "Übersetzung". Translation just by replacing some instructions with other ones and not applying further optimisations is just a very simple for of compilation. A more usual "C" compiler translates human readable source code ito machine code. So, yes, Rosetta 2 is NOT re-compilation from the source, but you can use current binaries as a description for a state machine and then re-compile the latter to a different architecture. This is not a novelty in computer science.

"Also, what the system is now doing is basically using the intel binary as the source code for a new recompilation."

And here is this bullshit again. I wonder what Apple presentation said this to dupe so many ignorant people.

Disclaimer: I am one of the Senior Principal Architects in ARM's Architecture and Technology Group. You know, the team that designs and maintains the Arm architecture. Perhaps you should be careful with your words. Apple said that Rosetta 2 automatically translates applications at install time. Whether this is in fact actually done once you drag an app onto your disk, or lazily the you first open it, or lazily and gradually, with cached translated code, is completely irrelevant, in effect.

"Or there could be continuous optimisation performed under the hood."

LOL, sure, while only doing the "re-compilation" once.

Yes, there could be a simple initial translation, and then analysis of the code sections the take up more time and are executed more often, which could be gradually replaced with more optimised versions. Microsoft does that already. As other technologies previously. Before engaging in these arguments, please inform yourself.

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