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Comment Re:Maybe... (Score 0) 217

What man doesn't want to "grab them by the pussy?" And why should men apologize for being men? I've grabbed my share of pussy in the past and plan to continue to do so until the day I croak. That's not being a sexist pig -- that's biology. I have zero intention of apologizing for the natural order of things.

Also, here's a bit of wisdom from the past because you people act as if words have any real danger: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Leftists should really take that last part to heart. I guarantee you that in the case of locker room talk (which is where your quote comes from) every man has said something similar. Every man.

Comment Re:Things needed a change in government bureacracy (Score 1) 217

Yup, nothing wrong with making fun of homos. Remember when comedy could make fun of everything? And I certainly do enjoy my refined sense of humor - 1988 was a good year. Hopefully the world will strive to improve to the level of 1988.

Fun fact: I was preemptively laughing at all the crazy leftist retorts I was expecting on Slashdork. And I wasn't disappointed. You silly leftists are one giant meme generator to me; capable of producing even dumber pablum than ChatGPT when i ask it about crap like "marginalized BiPOC transgender sex workers suffering under systemic racism" and read the nonsensical response.

Comment Maybe... (Score -1, Troll) 217

related to technology, policy, and diversity

Well "diversity" has no business being anywhere near anything objective (e.g. any scientific endeavor). As for policy - those positions regularly change up as an administration changes for lots of mundane reasons (e.g. budget process, reporting). As for "technology" for all we know it was some department studying the ideal way to make tampons for men or studying how transgenders can dilate in space or some other woke bs.

This seems like a typical change that comes with any incoming government administration. But go ahead and panic and fear monger about a few personnel changes.

Comment Re:Why bother shutting it down? (Score 1) 54

My guess would be the equipment is EOLed and they simply can't get replacements as BTS components fail. Although I used to work on this stuff I've been out of the game for a while. But back in the day, designing this stuff did require some specific ASICs. Could it be done with high bandwidth ADC/DACs and a DSP or FPGA? Probably. But finding a company willing to invest the engineering effort in building 2G equipment probably isn't going to happen... Unless we call it "2G with generative AI" or something.

Comment Who cares? (Score 2) 9

By 2030 the AI fad will be bust. There will probably be some equally useless pie-in-the-sky fad in full swing by then.

In the mean time it would be nice if these guys would solve some real world problems that affect millions: Such as removing all the AI buttons all over GMail's composer. I think doing that would be a huge win for Humanity.

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