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Comment Re:Your spyware stories? Here's mine (Score 3, Interesting) 240

Preface: I work for a Small-ish computer company in Wisconsin. Adware/Spyware/Malware (etc.. The list goes on.) Has become more of an epidemic than anything. We get roughly 20 pc's in a week to repair. Some are your run of the mill hardware failure, but most (90%) are coming in with the customer complaining that the system is just "running slow" Needless to say, I've seen everything. 180 to vx2 variants, rootkits, and rouge removal products. PC's so loaded down that the only means of repairing is an FnR. What's worse is the adware is bringing up links that claim "Your machine is infected with spyware, click here to remove". So the customer pays money to download a dodgy program that does nothing but infect their machine further. The worst part is that these programs take so long to remove that hourly labor goes thru the roof, (thus making it more cost effective to Format and Reload) In all, I know I'm just kicking the dead horse here, I'd honestly like to see companies like 180 get the feds to actually do something about it.. Probability, nil.. but its worth hope.

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