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Comment Guess I'll go somewhere else (Score 3) 1514

Was hoping /. might get a good discussion going on the topic of expensive college tuition and student debt but I guess that was too much to ask for. Guess I'll continue my search for some type of balanced coverage of the topic. I miss the days of middle ground and conversation, now all we have are extreme decisions and extremely defensive people. smh Anybody know of a good website that covers the issue of student loan debt?

Comment Too hot, too dry to pay the bill (Score 1, Interesting) 267

Sorry, I decided I couldn't pay my bill this month, it was too hot and try to walk to the mailbox to mail it. And I couldn't pay it online because you TURNED OFF THE DAMN POWER I'M PAYING FOR. Seriously, any day the power goes out on purpose, 1/30 off your bill that month. If it goes out 3 days or more in any week, 25% off that months bill. 7 or more days in any given month, you get the month for free. Totally unacceptable.

Comment Optimum (Cablevision) (Score 1) 116

Cablevision has always been a pretty horrible company, but it actually did get noticeably worse when Altice took over last year. $20 cable box monthly rental fee is insane when you can get actual channels with Sling for $25. Plus I think the cable modem fee is up to $10, I bought my own for $22 when it went from free to $5. They really seem to be going the opposite of what people want. The streaming competition is going for $45 a month but that's what you'd pay just in fees for a $100 cable contract. I'm sticking with Altice bc I can't imagine living without broadband internet, but I'm not paying them for tv.

Comment Well duh? (Score 1) 45

I don't have Movie Pass, but I found a newly renovated theater near me that is only $5 before 6PM, most others on Long Island are $9 or $10 if they even have a matinee discount at all, so I've been going to see alot more movies than I usually would. I sued to only go once a year, now I go once a month. My kids almost never saw the inside of a theater so they are going a lot more too, $20 seems a lot better than $40 or more. So of course people are going to see movies they normally wouldn't.

Comment Boba Fett? Where? (Score 1) 318

That was all they needed to make a movie, a cultural tagline. I's like somebody making a movie of the Energizer Bunny of the Where's the Beef lady, if either of those were an intergalactic bounty hunter. No different than all of those movies based on SNL skits. Gotta be better than McGruber.

Comment Re: Who lent free radio $20B with a B? (Score 1) 159

Thanks for all that. I kind of get it, but still, $17Billion for even 800 radio stations. They're just radio stations. Might as well spend $17B for some carriages for your horse and buggy business. The Nabisco buyout cost more at $25B but that was a huge business with some real assessts and a future, people gotta eat. Nobody thought $17B in debt for radio stations was a bad idea? No wonder the whole world nearly collapsed in 2008.

Comment Who lent free radio $20B with a B? (Score 4, Insightful) 159

Toys R Us went bankrupt, they had only $5B debt but plenty of stock and store property and we're still selling items. How does any radio corporation get to the point that they are $20B in debt, they basically own nothing of any real worth. Even the stations themselves are small and limited tech. iTunes has been out for years. Napster. Writing has been on the wall for years. Who was loaning or lending this company money? At $10B or $15B in debt people didn't stop to think, hmm, may even we should cut them off? $20B is what it takes. Insane.

Comment At least they waited until after the holiday (Score 2) 158

They probably should have done this in mid October before everyone signed up for 1 month for Black Friday shopping and last minute Christmas shopping. The fact that they waited until mid-January at least is a good reminder for everyone who signed up monthly to cancel now that they are done shopping. And it does look like they are giving a 1 month notice, my monthly renewal date is February 5 but they said I won't be charged the extra $2, $12.99, until March 5th, so they are giving people and extra month at the current price it looks like. Nobody likes to pay money, but I think it's a good move by them. We were signing up about every 3 ro 4 months just to save $12 on $60 video game and get it day 1. We were also getting a free month every year, from 3 different people in our house with Amazon accounts, so we probably only paid 1 or 2 months out of the year. Sorry if we ruined it for anybody,w e just did what they let us do. They could have dropped monthly entirely, forced everyone to pay $99, but at least people will still have the option to pay $13 in July for Prime day or next November for Black Friday shopping. It could have been worse. I have no relationship with Amazon except as a customer, and I'll be dropping Prime next month.

Comment Re:How old is she? (Score 1) 326

To me, the dynamic changes, b/c a kid may not know any better, a teenager may be trying to get her father fired b/c he made her break up with her boyfriend or something, a grown woman may be trying to promote her Youtube site. Also, how involved the father is with the situation. Was he even aware of the posted vid? I read the article summary and the article, no where did it mention her age and I do think it's relevant. Maybe not her specific age, but little kid, teenager, or adult matters.

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