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Submission + - Tax Takers Send in the Web Spiders

Juha-Matti Laurio writes: "A five-nation tax enforcement cartel has been quietly cracking down on suspected internet tax cheats, using a sophisticated web crawling program to monitor transactions on auction sites, and track operators of online shops, poker and porn sites. Countries including Austria, Denmark, Great Britain, Canada and The Netherlands have started the project 'Xenon' with the assistance of Amsterdam-based data mining company. Technology used since 2004 uses so-called slow search to prevent the crawler from creating excessive traffic on a website, or drawing attention in the sites' server logs, reports Wired News."
Linux Business

Submission + - ODSL:Desktop Linux 2006:The Year in Review

derrida writes: "The OSDL's Desktop Linux Working Group has published its first year-end report []on the state of the overall desktop Linux ecosystem. The report provides insight into the year's key accomplishments in terms of functionality, standards, applications, distributions, market penetration, and more. Of great interest is the Market Growth part. Copying from there: "Most observers believe that much of the growth will take place outside of the United States.""

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