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Comment Re:Stallman would have something to say about this (Score 1) 488

I remember telling some co-worker once that I had purchased a handgun over the weekend.

He asked, "And you registered it...?"

"No, of course not!" I replied.

Him: "You have an unregistered handgun?!?", in astonishment and horror.

It took some non-trivial convincing to get him to understand that _it is not possible to register a handgun in Virginia, because there is no handgun registry_.

Comment Re:What happend to the old rules? (Score 1) 49

What makes you think that these are personal devices? This article is about government-issued devices.

Industry may be big on BYOD (i.e. people using personal devices to do work) but in the DoD, that is still an odd idea that is uncomfortable to most security people. Personally I think we may get there eventually, but not without something like a separation kernel.

For example: I am a DoD employee; I have a government-issued blackberry. I use it to access my (unclassified) government email when I am not in the office. I also use the embedded GPS to help me get to meetings. Because it is a government-owned government-managed device, I cannot install apps on it, or change the security settings in any way. (There are a limited number of approved apps pre-installed.) When I am in the office I must have it turned off.

I can use my gov't blackberry to access my personal email through the web browser only. This is allowed as "incidental use", so long as it does not interfere with my duty performance. It's annoying and I rarely do it. I'm allowed to make both personal and business voice calls.

We still air-gap classified and unclassified systems. Much of what the DoD does is not classified - there are lots of lesser categories - "Controlled Unclassified Information", "Sensitive But Unclassified", or "For Official Use Only". (Which of course get acronymized to CUI, SBU and FOUO).

There have been programs in the past to have smartphones for classified email/web (e.g. SME-PED), but they've generally been horrible and unpopular.


Download Firefox, Feed a Red Panda 90

KenW writes "Mozilla has launched a new marketing campaign to promote Firefox: adopting red pandas and putting them on live webcams. The company wants to underline the fact that the red panda is the mascot for its open source browser via a new section on its site called Firefox Live. It's clear that Mozilla is trying to think of new ways to promote its browser ahead of the launch of Firefox 4. The company has been struggling recently as Firefox steadily loses share to Google Chrome."

Study Finds Most Would Become Supervillians If Given Powers 419

It probably comes as no surprise, but researchers have found that most of us would gladly put on a mask and fight do-gooders if given super powers. From the article: "But power also acts like strong cologne that affects both the wearer and those within smelling distance, Galinsky noted. The person gains an enhanced sense of their importance, and other people may regard them with greater respect as well as extend leniency toward their actions. That combination makes for an easy slide into corruption."

Inventor Creates Flotation Device Bazooka 144

Australian inventor Sam Adeloju has won the £20,000 ($32,000) James Dyson Award for inventing the coolest piece of life-saving equipment ever. The Longreach is a modified bazooka which can fire an expanding flotation device up to 150m to a person in distress. From the article: "Mr Adeloju told that the Longreach was inspired by a grenade-launch training session with the Army Reserves. Weighing just 3.5kg, it shoots the rescue device 150m in a manner similar to the way the army uses a grenade launcher to deliver flares and aerial observation devices. Hitting the water activates an expanding foam unit in the Longreach rescue unit, which also incorporates LED illumination and a vortex air whistle."

Firefighters Let House Burn Because Owner Didn't Pay Fee 2058

Dthief writes "From MSNBC: 'Firefighters in rural Tennessee let a home burn to the ground last week because the homeowner hadn't paid a $75 fee. Gene Cranick of Obion County and his family lost all of their possessions in the Sept. 29 fire, along with three dogs and a cat. "They could have been saved if they had put water on it, but they didn't do it," Cranick told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann. The fire started when the Cranicks' grandson was burning trash near the family home. As it grew out of control, the Cranicks called 911, but the fire department from the nearby city of South Fulton would not respond.'"
The Military

How Will Contemporary War Games Affect Veterans? 288

An anonymous reader writes "Recently, video game developers have begun to make games about current conflicts the world over. Many veterans and current military personnel now take an active role in the video game community. Are game companies running the risk of walking into a public relations disaster when making games about current wars? More importantly, how will veterans react to playing games about a conflict in which they have participated? From the article: 'To portray conflict in a way that not only accurately depicts the acts of war, but does so in a manner that takes into account the sacrifices of soldiers within some sort of moral framing is a complicated matter. Now add to this the idea that such depictions are essentially created as entertainment and to make money. It is certainly mind numbing when looked at from a social perspective. ... Now try and apply this dynamic to a more recent conflict such as the Vietnam War or the current conflicts in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Considering that the latter wars are still in progress, the ability for a game developer to accurately gauge the morality of such a conflict is limited at best. To make a game that takes these factors into account while trying to create something that is both entertaining and capable of mass appeal among the gaming community is near impossible.'" We caught a glimpse of this last year with the reactions to Six Days In Fallujah.

Why You Never Ask the Designers For a Favor 238

Usually there is nothing funny about a missing pet, but the tale of Missy the lost cat is hilarious. It serves as an example of just how clueless your fellow employees can be, and why you should never ask the designers to drop what they're doing, and help with a personal matter.

Comment Re:Hmm, for us non-Americans... (Score 1) 146

No. At least not that conforms to the Open Source Definition, as published by the Open Source Initiative.

The OSD specifically says:

5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups

The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons.

6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor

The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not restrict the program from being used in a business, or from being used for genetic research.

Which very explicitly means I can use your software inside my Baby-Mulching Machine (Google for it).

Comment Re:Anything written by gov't employees is Pub. Dom (Score 1) 146

I wrote this in 1997 in a comment file for my version of nenscript:

These changes were made on my own time and on my own computer, but
could easily be construed as being part of my official duties as an
AWACS software programmer/analyst. If this is the case, then any
changes that I made are a work of the US government and are not
subject to copyright protection in the United States, and furthermore
are provided, free of charge, with no warantee. If my changes are not
legally part of my official duties, then I hereby disclaim all rights
to the aforementioned changes and explicitly put them in the public
domain, and furthermore disclaim any warantee, express or implied. I
am not an intellectual property lawyer, so I'm not sure which of these
situations applies. Either way, the changes are free to you.

Daniel Risacher, 2Lt, USAF

Comment Re:But ... (Score 2, Interesting) 146

For the Defense Department, the contractor typically retains the copyright to whatever they develop, and the gov't gets "government purpose rights" to it, or in some cases "unlimited rights". This is the way rules are laid out in the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. The DFARS read they way they do because Title 41, US Code says it should be that way. (Or in some cases, Title 10).

Individual procurements can be different, depending on the negotiated terms of the contract. The DFARS specifies what amounts to "default" clauses, that are usually in place.

Keep in mind that most gov't employees (and most gov't contractors) have never actually seen a real contract, much less read it. That's what lawyers and contracting officers do... so program/project managers frequently don't actually know what intellectual rights they own.

Also, it's different for the rest of the federal government (i.e. non-Defense). Copyrights are one of the areas where the FAR and DFARS differ.

Comment Re:This is very odd... (Score 5, Informative) 146

I wrote the memo (mostly). Here's some historical context:

In 2001-2002 (or so), the Defense Information Systems Agency was in the process of certifying RHEL as being compliant with the Common Operating Environment, which was like a DoD-version of the LSB, sorta. Rumor has it (was before my time) that a certain OS vendor (popular in the desktop space) took exception to this fact and drafted an unsolicited memo for the DoD CIO, which effectively would have banned OSS.

The DoD CIO at the time was a guy named John Stenbit. Stenbit was (and is) a strong-willed visionary, who wasn't about to roll over for anybody, so he (through DISA) commissioned a survey of how much OSS was currently in use in DoD. The study got farmed out to MITRE, specifically a guy named Terry Bollinger. The results of the study were that OSS was being used in lots of places across DoD, in some cases for mission-critical things, and interestingly extensively by the information assurance community. (e.g. snort)

So Stenbit got someone to write a new memo, which he signed in 2003. It said roughly: OSS is okay, it's just like other software, but make sure that you get approval before you use it. (Same as anything else.) Stenbit retired from gov't in 2004.

In April 2008, the Deputy CIO (Dave Wennergren) got the idea that we ought to have updated DoD guidance on Open Source Software. I believe it was suggested to him by Scott McNealy (Sun), Art Money (former DoD CIO from 1999-2001), and Bill Vass (Sun, but former gov't executive under the DoD CIO). Dave asked around if there was anybody on the CIO staff at the time who knew much about OSS. That ended up being me.

I was a CS major at MIT, class of '95; used to work down the hall from Richard Stallman. I was on ROTC scholarship and later served about 6 years as an active-duty officer. I started working as a civilian in gov't in 2002, and in 2004 I took a position with the office of DoD CIO - partially so that I'd be in the right place to advocate OSS in gov't.

Four years later, I got an golden opportunity: I got the task to figure out what the updated OSS guidance should say.

I drafted the memo, with help from lots of folks, including David Wheeler, John Scott, LtCol John Barrette, Dave Emery, Terry Bollinger, MaryAnn Kiefer, Roger Loeb, Frank Petroski, Monique Pryce, JC Herz, and probably others I forgot to mention. I briefed the concept to Wennergren. Got feedback. Revised. Sent out to other offices in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) for coordination. Sent to the Military Department CIO offices for coordination. Spent many, many hours coordinating and revising with the Office of General Counsel (OGC) for the OSD, the Army, USAF, and Dept of Navy. It was mostly done a year ago, but it kept getting held up because someone wanted to review and comment.

One paragraph in the memo is traceable to a particularly heinous licensing debacle with a particular software vendor (not Microsoft) that affected a particular software project, and could have been avoided by using OSS.

The lawyers were by far the biggest delay. I wanted to reference the Open Source Definition (published by the Open Source Initiative), but lawyers wouldn't let me, on the grounds that doing so could be considered an endorsement of a non-federal entity, which would violate the Joint Ethics Regulation. I argued that this was a ludicrous interpretation of the JER, and eviscerates the authority granted to the CIO by the Clinger-Cohen Act. But after months of no-progress, I compromised and the final memo does not reference the OSI.

There was no direct involvement by the White House for the 2009 memo, and I don't think for the 2003 memo either. The generally favorable attitude from the current administration toward "openness" meant that I (and I think Mr. Wennergren) felt a pro-open memo would be well received, but we didn't consult with the WH, nor does the WH get that deep into agency policy - even for an agency as big as DoD. If the WH wanted to push policy on OSS, they'd do it through OMB for the whole executive branch. There was a rumor for a while that the WH might pick a former Microsoft exec as the DoD CIO, which might have scuttled the effort, but that hasn't happened.

Mr Wennergren is giving the morning keynote at GOSCON on 5 Nov 09, and I anticipate he'll talk a bit about the memo.

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