Personally, I'm going to find things very interesting when VII actually hits the streets. Will the masses jump? Are the masses just as tired of dancing the Redmond Slide like most of us
Unfortunately for Microsoft shit tends to stick, and the shit that accompanied Vista was very sticky indeed.
If the same people who avoided Vista in round one get it into their head that Windows 7 is Vista part deux, then it won't matter how much better/faster/prettier/resource-friendly (delete as applicable) it is. They'll continue to remain apathetic and stay away.
I suppose its better the iWaste
But who's going to pay the $50 required to salvage the battery from the iWaste?
Wow. Only 66 employees? I wonder how many are actually working on products they sell?
I expect most, if not all, of the employees that are capable of finding alternative jobs will be long gone. The remaining 66 are either in golden-handcuffs or are drooling morons.
Maybe they should produce their own, reality-tv, version of "The Office" to raise extra funds...
... then what better time to invest heavily in a Vietnamese furniture manufacturer.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. -- Albert Einstein