I used RT at the last place I was a UNIX admin. It's not a terrible system, but writing extensions in perl/mason was not a simple task, do to what should have been simple reporting metrics.
Uh, have you used a DSLR? Been able to change the exposure for years. In fact, even some P&S digitals have the feature now. Plenty of people do time-lapse with digitals.
from the head-for-the-hills dept.
kamochan writes "If you are a fan of the Terminator series, this headline in BBC News sent shivers down your spine today. The idiots actually did it, the countdown has started! What the BBC claims the story is about: 'An advanced satellite that will improve greatly the ability of UK military forces to communicate around the globe has been launched into space.' Quite frankly, that sounds scary enough as it is, but why the heck did they have to name it Skynet?"