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Comment Re:Correction to quoted frequency range. (Score 1) 64

You have an infinite amount of frequencies between 1 Hz and 0 Hz, just like there are an infinite amount of real numbers between any integer and zero. You don’t have an infinite amount of bandwidth, which is what matters. The only time I have seen log-frequency are in Bode plots, and wide and impedance plots. Never seen it in DSP.

Comment Re:Who gives a crap about the credit score? (Score 2) 159

19 years older, actually, and not yet 50. I see your point about age, but the credit score does drop if you don’t use it. It’s about risk, and how much money they stand to make off of you. I’m financially independent enough now not to give a shit, as I’ll never need to use a loan again. I can pay cash for a car, kids college, etc.

Comment Re:Microsoft Office is useful too. It's not scienc (Score 1) 222

I reckon more EEs know how computers work than CS majors, at least these days. Hell, I had to design a basic microprocessor using TTL gates and micro-ops in ROM. That was not part of the CS curriculum. Of course they had to write an OS from scratch. Different levels of abstraction, and you don’t need to know much of what’s under the hood to program in C.

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