oh, it's even crazier than that!!
though standard medical insurance isn't a thing in Canada, we're still allowed to get "extended insurance" for medicine, dental, etc
due to my workplace benefits at my totally normal blue collar job, all my medicine is nearly free!
when i get a 4 month supply of antidepressants, blood pressure medication, or antibiotics, i pay like $7.00, pretty much a deductible. i think of it as a tip.
those same types of medications cost my USA friends thousands!
oh, but when i need to see a doctor to alter my prescription, since i am not allocated a family doctor (wait list is hundreds of people), i must arrive at 3pm at the only "walk in" clinic in town that opens at 5pm, to see a doctor at 6-7pm, at a total cost of 3-4 hours of my life, and I have to sit in a line of coughing people and maybe become a different kind of sick
the alternative is hospital emergency room triage, available 24/7, but at a cost of 4 to 24 hours of my life for even severe injuries, like when i stabbed myself accidently with a knife covered in raw shellfish during an oyster shucking accident. that was a 12 hour visit bleeding on the floor.
the doctor i saw in that case was flown in from 3 provinces over and he was a total trainee
canada -- both the best and worse place to live in north americal.