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Books Investor Sues Company For Lack Of Profit 181

The board of claims that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than to make money on the domain name, but an angry shareholder disagrees. From the article: "James Solakian filed the lawsuit in Delaware's Chancery Court against the board of for breaching their duty by refusing to sell the site or run the company in a profitable way. The lawsuit cites a valuation done by a potential purchaser that estimated could be worth more than, which recently sold for more than $100 million."

Comment Re:thanks, and more info (Score 1) 467

I did a two year postbacc 10 years after graduating college, and needed to retake calculus due to a D- the first time around. I used CDs from Thinkwell (algebra and calculus) to study before taking the calculus class, and got an A. Now I'm in vet school :) Can't recommend them highly enough.

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