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Comment Re:what is the point, exactly. (Score 2, Insightful) 370

But its not just one codec that's involved, it's multiple. A typical video file will have at least two, one for video, one for audio. If you have alternate audio streams or subtitles, you need a codec for each of those as well. The purpose of a container is to let you take all these streams in their individual codecs and put them together in one file for easy playback. I'll grant you that it's not optimal to have some files with a given extension playable and some not, but with such a multitude of codecs in a single file it's just not possible to condense all that information down to a single file extension.

GNU is Not Unix

Submission + - Torvals "pretty pleased" With Latest GPL v

Novus Ordo Seclorum writes: "According to c|net, Linus Torvalds is "pretty pleased" with the current GPL v3 draft. After his earlier criticism, some had questioned whether such controversies would lead to rifts in the community, especially if the kernel ended up under a different license than the GNU tools. But now, thanks to the latest revisions, Linus will entertain moving the kernel over to the GPL v3."

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