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Comment Re:Simple reason (Score 1) 490

You could always go the lifetime service route. It adds $400 to the upfront cost ($300 for any subsequent TiVo).

With a $20/month DVR rental fee and $5/month CableCard rental fee you'd break even in less than four years. Even sooner if you bought multiple TiVos with lifetime service plans.

I would estimate that you can reasonably expect a TiVo to last about 5 years, so in the long run it's cheaper to buy TiVo and you get a much better experience.

Comment The Irony is Better Than the Content (Score 1) 73

I downloaded it earlier this morning and listened to it this afternoon.

What's amazing to me is that they can spend over 45 minutes discussing what seems to me to be a matter this simple. But I guess this is exactly how lawyers make their money, says the prospective law student.

PS, I think I created a torrent TPB

Comment Re:Big brother knows where you are (Score 1) 259

The government could always see where you were whether or not you wanted them to.

Having Google Latitude at least makes people aware that, even without GPS, it is possible to see where you are as long as your phone is on. The difference is that now, in addition to the government being able to see you, a select group of friends that you opt-in can also see where you are.

Submission + - YouTube set to filter content

An anonymous reader writes: Computer world reports that Google is racing to head off a media industry backlash over its video Web site YouTube and will soon offer antipiracy technologies to help all copyright holders thwart unauthorized video sharing. But YouTube has also said the process of identifying copyrighted material is not automated and requires the cooperation of media company partners.

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