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Comment Re:link (Score 1) 267

You should still be able to sort by ratings. This link for example: You just have to replace the movies subdomain with www and append the fcld=ture to whatever page you're on. Or, you can do what I did and set up auto-redirects for all of the pages using the new interface.

Comment Re:Leaving well enough alone... not! (Score 3, Informative) 267

If you really want, you can replace with to use the old interface. Note the www subdomain instead of movies and the ?fcld=true. I set up auto-redirects in Firefox so if I'm on the watch Instantly or Genre pages it will send me back to the old layout. From my end, you can't even tell that I'm being redirected or that the layout has been changed. Hopefully, they don't drop this and leave me stuck with the new UI.

Comment Re:Maybe after all what is the alternative? (Score 1) 441

[quote]Stop fucking around with the desktop. Realize that a LOT of users switch of Aero on windows and have the same desktop they had 10 or more years ago. It works. Some improvements are possible but for god sakes, make sure the old proven and working elements still work.[/quote] Yeah, my laptop is running Windows 7, but I've turned off Aero and switched to the classic "Windows 2000 look". With the classic theme, I get better battery life, responsiveness, and more screen estate.

Comment Re:Steam account (Score 3, Informative) 195

From the site: "On your download page, you can optionally get a key to redeem Trine, Shadowgrounds, and Shadowgrounds: Survivor on Steam and Desura. You can also get a key to redeem Trine on OnLive. Shadowgrounds and Shadowgrounds: Survivor are only available on Windows Steam, but we hope to add them to Mac as well. "

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