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Comment Re:A success? Some people disagree... (Score 1) 203

Now maybe, in your opinion, that's criticism, in mine it's trolling

Bah! The issue of trolling seems stupid when you consider the title of this submission claims it's an "Linux Migration".

The linux migration part is a flop so far but people don't want to admit it and the linux crowd is riding the coat tails of OpenOffice.org and Mozilla trying to get some credit. This is a successful open source migration. It's just that while OpenOffice.org and Mozilla showed up and were the belle's of the ball, linux got drunk, started talking shit and just embarrassed itself.

Maybe instead of dropping the GNU in GNU/Linux, we should drop the other part.

I don't like bashing linux but if half the people that claim it's better than windows on the desktop put their efforts into improving it instead of talking about how great it is, things would be different.

Comment Re:And this is news how? (Score 1) 226

Solar hydroscopic water extraction dates back to at least the '90's.

Yeah, stupid scientists working on solving a problem that's already been solved and people in these climates are only milking this "we don't have clean water" deal to get their less than a cup of coffee a day money from us. I mean a solar powered optical device that can view below the surface of water should have solved all these problems. Or did you mean hygroscopic?

I mean, really, I was making a light-hearted joke

If a joke falls in the forest and nobody laughs was it really a joke?

Don't be one of those guys that is wrong and then winds up looking even more foolish trying to prove that he wasn't THAT wrong. Or start a collection to buy a whole lot of cups and take your troop out to the desert and start generating the water for people to drink and grow crops because the world isn't getting any bigger and while the number of people living on it is.

Comment Re:Larry effect again? (Score 1) 361

I'm thinking they didn't put enough resources into ZFS?

From http://zfs.macosforge.org/trac/wiki

Where is .zfs? I can't find my snapshots

Your snapshots are there and working correctly there's just no .zfs directory yet since I'm still porting that functionality. You can use 'zfs clone' to work around this for now if you'd like to browse your snapshots. You can see an example and get more info off of the Known Issues and Features page

Even the BSD folks have more than one developer working on the ZFS BSD port. Although I must commend him for not using "we" to make himself sound bigger than he is.

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Comment Re:Forgive my ignorance WAS:re: Garbage collector? (Score 1) 587

what is getting allocated, exactly? It looks to me like that would be 10 million bytes of memory, but according to you, apparently it's not. Please enlighten me as to what it is being allocated, exactly, then?

An object that can hold that many bytes. You're not allocating anything directly. The JVM handles that.

Right. There's only references, which do... what, exactly? How do I get from the b above to the 10 million bytes of memory that I just allocated?

You don't get to that memory, you get to that object. It just happens to be stored in memory but it could be stored on stone tablets if that was possible..

or some other way to prevent pointers from pointing at something that they shouldn't be pointing at

As a java developer, you don't have pointers, which you keep going back to. You have object references. Behind the scenes there are likely pointers but you don't get access to them. You're arguing that it was done for security instead of ease for the programmer which is missing the point. Keeping your code secure by preventing memory leaks and illegal memory access is difficult and time consuming. By fixing one, you get the other. Which was the motivating factor is only something Gosling can answer.

The point is in Java applications, you can still have "memory leaks". The difference is in Java, those leaks result in poor resource management and bloated programs. What you don't get is the security risks that poor memory management in C/C++ can give you.

You don't need a garbage collector for the type of security you're talking about. Java could have had a free operator that would point all references to null and handle the security issues, but it would make things difficult for the developer.

Comment Re:The main reason (Score 1) 1365

Some things in TFA make me wonder though, like "Enterprise: no standard way of software distribution". How hard is it to set up a local repository(-ies), from where workstations get updates?

In an enterprise desktop environment, you don't want to have a repository where users can pull software updates, you want a system where you can push them onto user desktops. I think there are some now but they've only come to market recently. IBM could have helped out by coming out with Linux support for Tivoli provisioning manager much sooner.

For a majority of enterprise users, just having a good office suite, web browser and groupware would be sufficient but only 2 out of the 3 were available in a working state until recently.

The big boys in groupware were Outlook/Exchange and Notes/Domino. Exchange quickly ate into Domino's market and by the time IBM started supporting Linux with Notes clients it was too late. If Linux does get more adoption in corporate desktops the groupware they'll be using will likely be Zimbra or something other than Domino or Novell's products.

Sun's Java Enterprise System could have worked since it was web based, but they didn't have the resources to come into the market compete with two already large players. Plus there's a general anti-sun sentiment in the Linux community.

That's just for regular office workers. When you mix in others that might need other special software, you can run into problems.

Most people don't care about the OS, they only care about the applications they interact with. If the applications aren't there it doesn't matter if you have the most perfect OS that has ever or will ever be written.

Linux became popular on edge servers because it could provide services through applications (Apache server and other ASF stuff, MySQL, sendmail, Samba, ftp, etc.) that run on it

Those applications brought open source into the business world and Linux came along for the ride. Then once Linux was in the corporate data center, other ISVs started releasing version of their enterprise server software for it.

There hasn't been enough ISV support for desktop Linux. It's also more difficult because desktops tend to run a variety of software, unlike servers that are commonly deployed with a limited software stack for one application.

I'd like to see it happen, but it's not quite there yet. It's good to see that open source desktop software is making it, but Linux hasn't been invited to this party yet.

Comment Re:Why do we let Gartner Continue? (Score 1) 311

No, I see it, and your bolding, but I don't see the focus of the question being one of a site that has specifically done a migration.

I don't know how much clearer it could be.

'It' can be read as a migration, the thing they just mentioned, or everything, as in run a different OS, run different apps, migrate clients from one to the other, etc.

Yeah... why assume they're asking for what they mentioned? Why not just assume they mean something other than what they said.

No, because people are interpreting that as one site that is 11k+ desktop computers, using OpenOffice, which all migrated from Window NT.

Doesn't have to be 11+k could be anywhere around that number. How about 5k? Can you find any Win/Office to Linux/OO.o migrations for regular government office workers at that time?

Sure, the flat answer is no. But that's sort of lazy.

The email was a follow up question to the study. The guy wasn't being hired as a consultant or analyst to create a detailed analysis to find answers to his question.

. The better answer is, here's a list of sites doing things that are like you'd have to do and a bit about what you could learn from examining each.

And that's what he did.

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