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Comment Ads (Score 1) 318

I have no problems with Ads. I totally understand sites need to make money. People do work to make sites exist and I totally get that. But really some of these Ads are totally insane and just a big pain in the butt!

If Ads were just part of the page and didn't run video, change like crazy, etc I would be ok heck some of them are actually interesting and I buy things related to them. Imagine that??

Comment Something is wrong (Score 1) 274

There is something wrong with this. This should not be a 10 year offense! I can't imagine how that will impact people that do violate the copyright and it will just clog up the jails for no good reason. I agree there should be some impact but the copyright length have gotten crazy.

If I buy something why should I not be able to do with it what I want? I don't want to buy it 4 more times just because its a different format of the same thing. I am happy to buy my content once and make it easy for me to do what I want with it on my devices.

The system is totally broken and just bolting more jail time is not going to fix it. Easy quick fixes generally don't work.

Comment My View (Score 1) 538

While I have to respect that she has an opinion and she does share it. This is one of the great things in the US is that we still can share our opinions right or wrong.

This is a very slippery slope that is just a really bad idea. Once we start "banning" things where does it stop? I realize there already is censorship in certain places even here in the US it is wrong and goes against our values and beliefs of our country.

I personally don't agree with her statement and it is a huge slap in the face of Americans and our beliefs.

Comment Sadly I think more cuts are coming. (Score 1) 259

With us spending more than what we bring in there are 1 of 2 options. Raise taxes which no one wants or make cuts in the budget which no one wants either. Reality is that we need to balance the budget its going to be a hard several years to get it all fixed. We didn't get here over night and we won't be able to fix it over night either. But we DO need to get there.

I can't keep borrowing with no chance of repaying and our govt shouldn't either.

Role Playing (Games)

Final Fantasy I and II Are Coming To the iPhone and iPod Touch 142

jonasvdc tips an announcement by Square Enix that Final Fantasy I and Final Fantasy II are being developed for the iPhone and the iPod touch. The graphics and UI have been modified to look and run better on the touchscreen devices, but everything from Cecil to the classic Black Mage is clearly recognizable. The announcement did not include any information on a price or release date.

Lack of Manpower May Kill VLC For Mac 398

plasmacutter writes "The Video Lan dev team has recently come forward with a notice that the number of active developers for the project's MacOS X releases has dropped to zero, prompting a halt in the release schedule. There is now a disturbing possibility that support for Mac will be dropped as of 1.1.0. As the most versatile and user-friendly solution for bridging the video compatibility gap between OS X and windows, this will be a terrible loss for the Mac community. There is still hope, however, if the right volunteers come forward."

Pakistan Used Google Earth For Military Targeting 111

NeoBeans writes "According to this article in the New York Times about the recent 'improvements' in military strikes by the Pakistani military it is revealed that they have dropped Google Earth as part of their target planning for a more precise technology. From the article, '... the air force has shifted from using Google Earth to more sophisticated images from spy planes and other surveillance aircraft, and has increased its use of laser-guided bombs. And no, you can't really find Osama Bin Laden using Google Maps either."

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