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Comment Re:Ping Pong (Score 1) 432

...hell if you believe that Democracy is an absolute right then you can just says that since PRC government was not democratically elected then all the laws it enacted are illegitimate.

Why limit this to PRC? If one believes that Democracy is an absolute right, then none of the current major governments are legit. You might find a Democracy in smaller governing bodies, organizations, etc.

Comment Re:Problem is lack of thoughtfulness (Score 1) 649

It appears that Huffington Post changed the text of the article (and added photos, etc). Currently if I do the same search, Huffing Post doesn't even come up; much less the text that it contained. Doing the same search does yield other results though. Next time I link to something I'll include the text. Lesson learned.

Of course she would ask for illegally copied music. It just ... sounds better. Doesn't it? ;)

Comment Re:Problem is lack of thoughtfulness (Score 1) 649

Consumer electronics and media gifts like iPods and DVD's are what you give when your out of ideas. They do not show a good level of understanding of the person you are giving the gift to

I agree that electronic/media items are common when you're out of ideas. It especially shows in this case since it wasn't an original idea from the Obama family. It's what the Queen herself asked for!

You can find other sources by searching for "queen elizabeth wanted ipod"

So the gift was not thoughtless at all.


Submission + - New teeny tiny RFID chips

paltemalte writes: "Hitachi has just come out with a new crop of RFID tags, measuring only 0.05 x 0.05 millimeters. Compare that with the previously smallest chips at 0.4 x 0.4 millimeters. The new chips width is slightly smaller than the width of a human hair. These new chips could put an end to shoplifting forever, but they could also be used by a government or other entity to 'dust' crowds or areas, easily tagging anyone present without their knowledge or consent. Think easy tracking of dissenters or demonstrators. Will someone come up with a surefire way of neutralizing chips that may be on your body or in your clothing?"
The Internet

Submission + - Canadian ISPs Send Thousands of Copyright Notices

An anonymous reader writes: The CBC reports that Canadian Internet service providers are passing along thousands of copyright infringement notifications from U.S. copyright lobby groups such as the Business Sofware Alliance to subscribers under a system called notice and notice. Michael Geist comments that unlike the U.S. takedown approach, the Canadian system is proving effective while protecting privacy and free speech.

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
