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Comment Re:ask a mechanic (Score 1) 672

i have to say (on the topic of 'hotter-burning' gas hurting air-cooled engines) that if you keep up on your timing and valve-timing adjustments, and run 93 from the pump, those old air-cooled engines will be fine. hi-po vw, porsche, corvair, tatra, etc. may burn some valves, but prolly not. if you're running hard you will get some nice bronze seats installed, and have 'em staked. right?

Comment Re:Municipal broadband is on its way, then (Score 1) 397

I put off owning a smartphone due to crazy pricing until a little while ago.

There are now a couple of carriers that offer plans with unlimited data/email/texting + limited minutes for a price comparable to other
carriers' unlimited talk minutes + limited everything else ($30..ish, maybe a bit more). If you need more minutes, you pay 10-20-30
extra bucks, depending.

Android phone, no contract. Just shop around a bit and you'll find them.

Comment Re:Slackware (Score 1) 798

Aww.. let's be fair here.

Slackware is a fantastic distro. If, as a novice, you want to tinker and fail and tinker some more and gain experience with the inner workings of Linux, Slackware
is a great choice. If you're a pro, Slack is stable as hell and you already know what to do. Does it work 'out of the box' for absolute beginners who just want to point
and click? Not yet (though it's getting better).

I don't see it as cool/leet/etc. It is, IMO, honest. Like a box of Lego - you have the stuff, now try to do something cool with it.

Then again, I love figuring out how stuff works. Slackware + Fluxbox = hours upon hours of frustration, high blood pressure, cold sweats, and finally the reward of understanding how all of it goes together. :)

Comment I'm all set! (Score 5, Funny) 249

My front yard has three years' worth of overgrowth (one of the bushes has an old saw stuck in it), the lamppost
bulbs flicker, and there are real spiders and crickets and spider-crickets everywhere. Plus, I have a derelict car in
the driveway and the front porch is littered with beer cans and errant cigarette butts. Perfect.

Who wants some candy?

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The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
