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Comment Re:The BBC (Score 1) 54

It has changed notably in the last decade or so.

At this point, it's basically nearly completely corporately a tory mouthpiece.

There are individual presenters who have a different view, but this doens't help that much when (for example) the chairman of the BBC gave the PM a very large loan shortly before being appointed.

Comment This kinda misses the point. (Score 1) 2

If I do not understand at all what a bear or a stick is, and read enough fiction (for example) describing bears and sticks interacting with the universe, I can come to understand what a bear and a stick is.

There are many things in the world that I have a somewhat working familiarity with that I have only interacted with through third party descriptions of them in textual form.

This neglects the intersection also of labelled image interpretation by stable diffusion and descendants and its impact on image recognition.

Comment Well, yes, but also (Score 4, Interesting) 41 states the hotspots found are emitting in the range of 50 tons/hr in turkmenistan.

Emissions from farming are in the range of 145Tg (teragrams/year).

This is 145 million tons/year, or 400000 tons per day. Or 16000 tons/hour.

50 tons an hour for the worst global hotspot is not nothing, but it is about a part in 300. Fixing these point emitter sources is important, but not remotely going to fix anything.

Comment Re:Patent troll (Score 1) 36

The problem is the patent system was intended originally not to be a way to get people rich, by being first to happen to think of something, but to protect truly innovative designs that took a significant amount of effort to do.

At the moment, nearly all patents are obvious in how to make them faced with the problem statement.

That is - a skilled person in the field can concieve the patented solution to the patent problems statement in considerably less time than it takes to do a full patent search to find this solution.

Comment Re:Yes, stupid. (Score 1) 147

Automation is capital expensive is somewhat capped out as a possibility by the existance of Teslas more automated lines and their volumes.

In that if you're doing 1.5* production a year, and do not have a massive debt burden, ...

I note This is a teardown of the Tesla 3/y and looking at the changes over 5 years.

120 parts to one.

Comment Unless the AIs value us, we're screwed. (Score 4, Insightful) 190

If we're not pets, slaves, lovers, or scenery, there is no particular reason to believe AI would value us (Or indeed, any photosynthetic/animal life) more than we value rust.

The very worst dictator wants to actually have people to have power over, which gives the chance of a slave rebellion or eventual accident, even for immortal dictators.
Or even them deciding to give up after a thousand years.

If we're faced with a truly competent AI, which is signficantly more capable than humans, with resource desires that exceed what it can grasp without destroying humanity and possibly all life on earth, we're fucked.

Think less 'war of attrition' - more 'run your washer through the boil cycle to remove the nasty smell'.

Comment Yeah, no. (Score 1) 39

' To human listeners, the audio camouflage sounds like background noise, and they have no trouble understanding the spoken words. But machines stumble.'

This is _precisely_ what you want to train an AI.

You take your existing AI that understands voices, feed it both versions, and suddenly (perhaps using modestly greater resources) after a cycle of training, it can ignore the noise.

This is pretty much the same problem as captchas. First generation captchas can be trivially solved with AI. Ones that can't can't trivially be solved by all people.

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