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Comment Re:Abject Failure of the Cuban Government (Score 1) 120

Comintern was dissolved in 1943. Even if the USSR helped the communsit party of Cuba that doesn't mean the regime was a puppet installed by the USSR. By the way Comintern was involved in founding of the Communist party of China too. Read about the history of CCP. But you said China chose it on their own

Comment Re:Ukranian disinformation (Score 1) 249

Funny how video evidence [] completely contradicts your lies.

I said the IAEA monitors haven't reported any burning tires. How your "video evidence" contradicts what I said? Does it show IAEA monitors saying that there are burning tires there?

Why would Ukraine want to damage their own nuclear plant?

To blame that on the Russians of course. To pressure the west to give Ukraine more assistance.

Comment Ukranian disinformation (Score 0) 249

This is Ukraninan disinformation. Yes, something is burning there. But there is a team of IAEA monitors on the Zaporizhzhia plant who has been present on the plant for almost 2 years already. They haven't reported anything about "burning tires". Nothing stops them from going there to see if there are any "burning tires" there. Or in case something is preventing them from going there, they could say about that. But they didn't.

Most probably it was the result of shelling the plant by Ukraine which they do on a regular basis.

Comment Re:Well lucky you (Score 1) 613

I live in europe and a significant minority , possibly even a majority in some countries , live in flats/apartments or houses with no drive, only street parking, where there is no possibility of home charging.

Why do EV shills always assume everyone lives in some huge house where home charging is no problem?

Because this is an American website. And the news is about the U.S. car market. Go to your European websites and discuss European news there

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