Comment Re:Doubly interesting that this is despite Dell (Score 1) 532
Easy there cowboy.
If this guy is right (which I think he is) then RETAIL DESKTOP PC SALES means desktops sold at your typical bricks-and-mortar store, eg. Best Buy, Circuit City, etc., and NOT mail order. So Dell's numbers were not taken into account.
Go into a Best Buy and you see lots of cheap Athlon machines, so I think it makes sense. Heck, those eMachines love AMD.
If this guy is right (which I think he is) then RETAIL DESKTOP PC SALES means desktops sold at your typical bricks-and-mortar store, eg. Best Buy, Circuit City, etc., and NOT mail order. So Dell's numbers were not taken into account.
Go into a Best Buy and you see lots of cheap Athlon machines, so I think it makes sense. Heck, those eMachines love AMD.