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Comment Don't Like Them? Don't Play Them (Score 1) 313

And here I was thinking that games were a mature medium, catering to a broad selection of tastes. Personally, I haven't played any of Jaffe's games. Twisted Metal was stupid even for it's time, and nine thousand iterations haven't made it any more compelling to me. God of War is, I'm told, a big pile of fun, but I own no Playstation so haven't tried it. All his games though, are of a visceral, aggressive nature. That's something I am interested in playing, but such games make up maybe 5% of my library. to be fair, if we're going to start comparing games to films, David Jaffe is Steven Seagal.

Comment Re:In other news salmon and tuna are running out (Score 3, Interesting) 377

There is fuss about both of those, perhaps you aren't aware of it.
http://www.nasco.int/ for Salmon

http://www.tunaresearch.org/ for Tuna

And you forgot cod: http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/media/press-releases/greenpeace-ship-sails-to-save-north-sea-cod

And to be fair to them, while I don't see myself joining their fight, at least they have the balls to stand up for something, sure there are problems in the world, but most people don't bother addressing those problems either. Apathy, not whale conservationists, is our biggest enemy.

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