Comment Re:To all liberals whining about enforcing the law (Score 1) 263
I'm trying to think of a job that requires knowledge in all three of those areas.
I'm trying to think of a job that requires knowledge in all three of those areas.
That's how freedom works. People are constantly working to take it away so people need to constantly working to maintain it.
Their employees would rather work from home than in on a folding table in a gymnasium? Who'da thunk?
People fall off roofs while installing solar power.
Engines have improved a lot in the last 40 years but they aren't going to get dramatically better. If you want to realize significant fuel efficiency gains you will have to go to something based on a different technology. Most likely that will be electric motors whether in the form of a hybrid or EV. No general purpose ICE can touch an electric motor for fuel economy at a given horsepower in most circumstances.
People were saying that back in the 90s. Heck, they were saying that in the late 70s.
Copyright keeps getting extended. People are locked out of fixing their own equipment. How could anyone possibly say that western countries are weakening their IP protection.
"The horse is a noble animal. You ever take a peek at a cow or a pig? We do them a favor eating them. Saves them from having to look at themselves in the water trough every day." -- Colonel Sherman T. Potter
Sometimes. We've got well respected universities around here pumping out master's degrees in CS that amount to two years of introductory courses in different languages.
At least you're not an elitist.
Presumably one would send the new battery to people to whom this has not yet occurred.
"Gravity Wave", here, means a wave wherein the restoring force is gravity, such as waves on the ocean. It is not the same as the cosmological gravity waves caused by coalescing black holes sought by the LIGO experiment.
I don't have Prime and Amazon have become terrible about shipping quickly. I think they are trying to punish me into buying prime. Instead I have started purchasing from eBay.
No way. My eBay orders have been shipping within hours while Amazon has been taking 2 or 3 days. Ebay seller's prices are usually lower, too.
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.