Just like in the book _Player Piano_ , most of us will be 'Reeks and Wrecks'.
A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
The less racist way would be to test children's IQ's and use the number to set a goal for achievement.
IIirc, Player Piano (Kurt Vonnegut ) uses the idea of testing/jobs based on IQ
I used to drive a car, and I almost died in one when it crashed! Cars are horrible things - I'm glad we still have horses!
I offered a real world example, you offered a hypothetical. Responses like that make me sad for society. Is that 'Cognitive dissonance' of which you suffer? I am sure your single payer system covers that.....after many years and many ruined lives confirmed a need to declare it a 'real' problem.
As an American, I used to be part of a single payer system of the US Government; I almost died because of said system
Luckily, a hospital (outside the approved, previously mentioned system) had been built closer to our apartment; my life was saved there.
Sounds like your 'Single Payer' is the new 'Stockholm Syndrome'.
Plus here is a reporter telling how she was told to not use NHS:
Thanks for playing!
Personally I had a vasectomy once I'd had two children - that's one each to replace me and my partner. Me fathering any more would be irresponsible.
Thank you for limiting other people's choices in life. Now I am forced to have a child just to replace myself. Why can't I choose not to have any kids and let some other couple who choose to love 3 kids take on that responsibility?
M: Oh look, this isn't an argument.
A: Yes it is.
M: No it isn't. It's just contradiction.
had an episode about an effective interrogation technique, maybe the FBI could just adapt it to fellow human beings:
/me uninstalls SELinux.
I had a blast at UVA's summer enrichment program. It looks like the program has changed a bit in 25 years:
Se vi advocate por a single sistemo da measurement al esti
used en la mondo, fari vi ankau advocate por a single lingvo
al esti used tutmonda kiel nu?
danki vi por any information.
So are the peers physically down, or just not announcing any prefixes? If it is a matter of (un)announced prefixes, then couldn't the points to which the peering points connect (or major points on the net) just statically route the blocks that were available last week as seen in BGPlay? Just wondering
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith