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Comment Re:Did not invent the barcode. (Score 2) 21

No, but, as I understand it, Laurer invented the first practical bar code scanner, without which the actual bar code is little more than an idea, brilliant though it may have been. So, "co-inventor" may be technically inaccurate, but doesn't Laurer deserve to be given equal billing, historically speaking?

Comment Something's Fishy Here.. (Score 1) 497

Apple has had a policy of putting stores in more affluent areas pretty much since, well, always. Attempting to make this a racial issue is absolutely retarded. Along those lines, leave it to someone from the state with the second-most number of Apple stores (21) in the entire country to complain about not having one more. Several states (e.g. Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, etc) only have one store in the entire state! Maybe we should have an investigation about whether Apple is anti-agricultural?

What's interesting is that the "publication" where this "investigation" is being reported (yes, those are sarcastic quote marks) seems to have only one sponsor, Macallan's, and only one product being advertised, Macallan Rare Cask, which is priced in the over $200/bottle range. You think they (i.e. the publication) give a shit whether they are fairly serving a non-white audience?

Maybe they should investigate why so many minorities are trapped in poor neighborhoods?

Comment Try a Book? (Score 1) 449

There's probably lots of "Windows for Dummies" type of books out there, but something specifically for Mac users is what you're asking for. Actually, a quick search just now uncovered dozens of books and articles for Windows users moving to a Mac, but almost nothing in the other direction. Hmmm? I did discover THIS article, however.

Comment Re:Global problem (Score 1) 817

Getting back to subject.

This is actually the proper thing to do constitutionally.

Obama, from what I understand really overstepped his constitutional powers by enacting this in the first place.

I understand his heart was in the right place, but I believe this was an overreach of his powers and should be rescinded.

If the US wants it as part of our Law...then congress should be the ones to enact it.

If Obama, as president, doesn't have the authority to create laws, how does Trump, also (apparently) a president, have the authority to "unmake" them? Or in other words, if making law is the job of Congress, then unmaking law should be their responsibility also. It sounds like Trump is committing the same crime. Does nobody see that it's just as wrong when he does it?

Comment Re:Brains Different, or Not? (Score 1) 694

Also leads to the counter-argument: "If there is no difference between the way women and men think or operate, then it is wrong to claim that diversity would improve a company, or have any effect on business"

If women bring nothing unique to the table, then diversity becomes solely a placating effort.

I don't think the point of insisting on diversity is to improve a company. No one gives a rat's ass about any company, other than the one they work for. On the other hand, I'm fairly sure that the goal is to improve society as a whole by improving the lives of those who have been treated the most unfairly; which is to say, to put an end to gender and/or race-based discrimination in terms of hiring, promotion, and compensation.

Comment Reality Check, UK (Score 4, Insightful) 306

Here's some facts to consider:

  1. The number of people in the UK who died an alcohol-related death in 2015 was 8,758, a more or less typical year.
  2. The number of Brits who died in automobile-related incidents in 2013 was 1,713, but that was the lowest number since they began keeping records in 1926 (just ten years earlier, in 2003, the number was 3508).
  3. The total number of terrorism-related deaths in the UK since 1970 is 3,395. That's an average of approximately 72 per year over the last 47 years.
  4. Over the last ten years, the number of terrorism-related deaths in the UK is roughly the same as the number of deaths from bees and wasps.

Given these figures, it would make more sense to take away their right to drink and/or drive.

Or, at least, get rid of the bees and wasps...

Comment Re:ambiguity (Score 1) 331

Note this passage on the serial comma from Wikipedia:

In American English, a majority of style guides mandate use of the serial comma, including APA style,[5] The Chicago Manual of Style, The MLA Style Manual, Strunk and White's Elements of Style,[6] and the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual. In contrast, the Associated Press Stylebook and the stylebook published by The Canadian Press for journalistic writing advise against it. It is used less often in British English,[7] but some British style guides require it, including The Oxford Style Manual.[8] According to The Oxford Companion to the English Language, "Commas are used to separate items in a list or sequence ... Usage varies as to the inclusion of a comma before and in the last item ... This practice is controversial and is known as the serial comma or Oxford comma, because it is part of the house style of Oxford University Press."[9] Some use it only where necessary to avoid ambiguity,[10] in contrast to such guides as Garner's Modern American Usage, which advocate its routine use to avoid ambiguity.

Note that the U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual is one of the style guides that mandate the use of the serial comma. So maybe the state of Maine simply hasn't done its homework? And yes, I would have to agree with the truckers, especially since delivering milk for a dairy is NOT one of the seasonal jobs that the law was designed to account for. Just try to tell a herd of cows that they have to wait until spring to get milked. You'd have, I can't help saying, a moo-tiny on your hands.

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