Comment Re:I suppose (Score 2) 488
You mean one way of causing the conflict in the middle east to escalate and start spreading outward.
You mean one way of causing the conflict in the middle east to escalate and start spreading outward.
But if you do this, in what way is it a viable test of your ability to think and reason about a problem? You're copy/pasting the answer from the Internet.
I guess that is the skill most-needed for software developers nowadays...
Exactly. The interview is already stress. The interviewer doesn't realize that, because it's not their ass on the line.
Translation: Let's maintain the status quo and hope you forget that you were ever mad at the status quo in the first place!
If I were a police officer, I'd likely complain quite a lot about how officers are depicted in movies/TV. A surprising amount of misinformation is spread by people who can't tell real life from TV...
Surge pricing is exactly the opposite of low, predictable, and uniform.
That's Wrigley Field
You're right, most men weren't oppressors, but most oppressors were men. That's the entire point.
Those male oppressors did some things to women, and other, different things to men. Neither of these experiences invalidates the other, no matter how much you'd apparently like to think it does.
That evil regime you're talking about, funny story, if it's the one I think you're talking about, it was made by
As an optimist, I generally believe that humans want to be good. Your counter-example does not diminish that belief.
That's not a citation, that's a personal anecdote. It's also putting the burden of proof on me, when you're the one who made the claim.
Classic! A single counter-argument invalidates general trends! "Well, it happened to us once or twice, too!" Amazing!
It might've been a tasteless joke, but it wasn't a good joke, and considering the venue, it was extremely poorly-timed. So, no, I will not laugh at your sophomoric attempt to be funny.
Another pair? That'll be weird hanging down there. I'd have one more than E.T. - Eddie Torres, the Extra Testicle!
No, you're ignoring the entire span of human history, from the classic stories of female betrayal (so classic they're in the damn Bible), to the medical concept of "hysteria" that could be cured by a fingerbang, up to the long-standing idea of husbands "owning" their wives that survives today in many places in the world (including such things as "marital sex can never be rape"), so clearly no individual instances I pick will satisfy you.
Oh wait, I just picked some. Will they satisfy you? Do I care if they do? We'll find out!
The proof is in this new place called "everywhere". It was formerly in another place called "throughout history".
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.