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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:I love airships  *Sunday April 17, 2005 @07:22PM  2, Insightful
Re:Heads up!  *Sunday April 17, 2005 @07:20PM  1
Re:"utilizing proprietary lifting gas technology"  *Sunday April 17, 2005 @07:16PM  4, Funny
   attached to Sanswire Demonstrates First Stratellite
Re:Presensation  *Sunday April 17, 2005 @07:03PM 1 5, Insightful
Re:Clarifying vs. Changing vs. Lawyer Paranoia  *Sunday April 17, 2005 @06:27PM 1 1
Re:Clarifying vs. Changing vs. Lawyer Paranoia  *Sunday April 17, 2005 @05:50PM 1 2
   attached to Unintended Consequences of Using GPL Fonts
Re:A lot of Screenshots  *Sunday April 17, 2005 @05:43PM  1
   attached to New Releases for Debian and SUSE

We don't really understand it, so we'll give it to the programmers.
