You seem to have an outdated understanding of the Ruby community (you point out Rails-centric problems from ~2006).
The Ruby community is obsessed with testing and documentation. You cannot get +2 line patches accepted without tests accompanying them. It's common to test your projects against all the major Ruby VMs (1.8.7, 1.9.2, JRuby and Rubinius) using RVM. YARD and have recently gained a significant following.
Not many developers prefer to use monkey-patching these days. It's a powerful tool, but one can avoid using it by including/extending Modules. Also, Ruby 2.0 will be introducing a new feature known as class-boxes (aka Refinements), which will compartmentalize monkey-patches to modules.
There are alternatives to ActiveRecord, such as DataMapper which has had Strategic Eager Loading (SEL) and Lazy Loading long before ActiveRecord 3 was released. But what do ORMs or ActiveRecord have to do with the number/quality of gems on
tldr; Rails community != Ruby community
Frightfully obvious. Once the hardware is installed, it opens up potential for massive abuse.
The future will indeed be interesting.
"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen