Comment Re:Japan.... (Score 1) 213
And to double down about Japan outstanding results so far with COVID-19 death per 1 M pop. that may be explained by their form of greeting without contact.
COVID-19 death odds are high correlated with age of infected people.
Again here the G7 countries, which have roughly similar quality of healthcare, sorted by highest median age first.
1) Japan, world rank 2, median age 47.3 years
2) Germany, world rank 3, median age 47.1 years
3) Italy, world rank 5, median age 45.5 years
4) Canada, world rank 29, median age 42.2 years
5) France , world rank 40, median age 41.4 years
6) United Kingdom, world rank 50, median age 40.5 years
7) United States, world rank 61, median age 38.1 years
So from on, I'll just skip the handshake and go for the respectful bow...