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Comment Re:Japan.... (Score 1) 213

And to double down about Japan outstanding results so far with COVID-19 death per 1 M pop. that may be explained by their form of greeting without contact.

COVID-19 death odds are high correlated with age of infected people.

Again here the G7 countries, which have roughly similar quality of healthcare, sorted by highest median age first.

1) Japan, world rank 2, median age 47.3 years
2) Germany, world rank 3, median age 47.1 years
3) Italy, world rank 5, median age 45.5 years
4) Canada, world rank 29, median age 42.2 years
5) France , world rank 40, median age 41.4 years
6) United Kingdom, world rank 50, median age 40.5 years
7) United States, world rank 61, median age 38.1 years

So from on, I'll just skip the handshake and go for the respectful bow...

Comment Re:Japan.... (Score 1) 213

As of writing this, Japan has only 0.8 death per 1 M pop. and this without lock-down for fear of screwing the economy.

As of April 10, 2020, here is the death per 1 M pop. for the G7 countries ranked from highest to lowest.

1) Italy 302
2) France 187
3) UK 118
4) USA 50
5) Germany 31
6) Canada 13
7) World 12.3
8) Japan 0.8


Comment Re:Multiple heavy metals build-up in the body... (Score 1) 76

I advocate the use of Selenium and Vitamin E in the diet. (but you have to be carefule with Vitamin E as it is fat soluble.

Crazy stuff. Based on World's Healthiest Foods rankings of best sources of selenium and vitamin E, the best sources of these nutrients happen to be among the highest in heavy metals with a few exceptions such as dairy, chicken breast, turkey, Pacific wild caught salmon. I excluded also the high selenium/low heavy metals red meat candidates because of increased colon cancer through heme iron metabolism by some gut bacteria.

vitamin E:

heavy metals in foods:

And the use of supplements is risky for there is a definite risk of heavy metal purification when they actually wanted to extract selenium or vitamin E.

Comment Multiple heavy metals build-up in the body... (Score 2) 76

... and especially in the brain from chronic exposure coming freaking everywhere: air (cars, wood heating, toxic dust of all types, cigarette, industrial activities, ...), water (crap in the air ends up in the water), food we eat even the organic stuff, the "healthy" fruits and vegetables, whole grains, plant-based protein, etc. Cookware leaching heavy metals in food especially when acidic.

Lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, chromium, aluminum, thallium, etc. all on the rise everywhere.

Not a single one high enough to get a diagnostic of poisoning but all building up over decades and wreaking havoc in a synergistic way.

And of course, way too much carbohydrates and sodium, not enough exercise, not enough good sleep (REM sleep is critical), way too much TV watching, which steals time to any other activity that can benefit your mind.

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