Thanks! I am putting that in my letter to my Assemblyman and Senator.
Although in reality the bill is not as bad as the headline proposes. It would not ban anonymous speech, only give anyone the power to ask for anonymous speech to be removed. Still a crappy law.
Anyway, all us New York Staters, let's write to our representatives! Here is my letter:
I have recently read Senate bill S06779 sponsored by Senator Thomas F. O'Mara and the Assembly counterpart A8688 sponsored by Assemblyman Dean Murray. The bill would require websites to remove anonymous postings upon any request. I am concerned about the impact that this bill will have and do not support it.
First and foremost, this bill would have a stifling effect on the free speech guaranteed by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and extended over state law by the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution. Documents critical to the formation of our country such as Common Sense by Thomas Paine and The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton, et al. were published under the safeguards of anonymity. I certainly understand the importance of protecting innocent people, especially children, from the torments of online bullying. I feel that this bill is too broad and goes too far though, allowing anyone to order the removal of anonymous critical comments including those that are justified, true, political, or from corporate whistleblowers.
Aside from the free speech issues, and almost as important, I fear the effects that this bill would have on the Information Technology industry in New York State. The Internet is a global presence. Websites that wish to allow anonymous speech will be encouraged to move to or start up in jurisdictions outside of New York State, hurting our economy. Furthermore, the bullies that wish to spread the hate speech that this bill intends to protect will also move to the many websites located outside of New York State, severely limiting the potential benefits that this bill may have.
Though well intended, the negative effects of Senate bill S06779 and the Assembly counterpart A8688 far outweigh any positive effects and I sincerely hope that you will not support this bill.