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Comment I just fired my Indian Outsourcer (Score 1) 94

I really didn't need them anymore. I can use very efficiently to get around the UI/Design issues that I used to consider in their wheelhouse for my projects. And yea, I both feel empowered and scared as to what comes next. Claude has already helped me with some significate architecture decisions, of course my input matters as to the end quality of those responses, but it is still such a massive change that I am afraid of how far things can improve in a few years and what that will mean towards competition, when only a few of the very best can make software to do exactly what anyone wants on a whim.

Comment Re:Happy Year! (Score 1) 162

I might. There is less and less reason I need a desktop OS for anything that to run a browser, I can even run MS Office 365 on that, so what do I need Windows for exactly? The only other thing is VS Code, which has supported Ubuntu version which would be my choice to replace Windows, just because I work with it so much on AWS.

Comment Calling BS (Score 1) 236

First off, I hate fucking Java. Second, the data may be correct, but the conclusion is out of reality. The reason this is an issue and the up votes go for the easiest not most secure answer, is 1. Human nature, 2. Companies don't give a flying fuck about security. If a "business" leader in a ecom org can't even be bothered to learn a single thing about how a web page even works, then they certainly don't really understand the impact of a few coding side steps and no budget will be allocated DAY TO DAY, to deal with it. After the fact security reviews are doomed to fail, because there is just to much rot after a while.

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