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Journal pixcel's Journal: the new Free Music Directory - a great project showing how the iTunes Music Store can be extended to allow anyone to use it. Although currently only available for Mac users, there is a windows version in the planning state. Basically, Tuner allow musicians to offer their music for free through their own iTunes store and is a directory of all the free music available for use with Tuner. Hopefully making it a more friendly way to get people to find free music.

Written as a Bash script for geekiness and general openess, Tuner is a sweet little script with a nice installer and uninstaller (as if you would want to). It fakes iTunes into believing the server offering up the music store is valid address, allowing anyone with the correct XML to create their own free store. has a more technical article on how it all works.

If you are a musician and have demo tracks available on your website please consider adding them to the website.

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