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Comment Finally (Score 2) 192

As someone who is generally for filesharing and very much against the near-infinite copyrights we have right now, I think it is a good thing that a massive mega-corporation is finally on "our" side.

It used to be Disney and Microsoft vs the common people so obviously Disney won. Now the Disney attorneys can battle with the Meta attorneys, and I'm sure Microsoft is going to keep its mouth shut unless someone makes them admit to doing pretty much the same thing.

Comment Read: Management fooled by AI salesperson (Score 2) 31

Treasury thinks it probably set unrealistically high expectations before the trial

If the management set unrealistically high expectations, I bet it is because they have been to some lobbyist/sales meeting and pumped full of Microsoft propaganda, too technical for them to judge.

Comment Re:I don't miss C++ (Score 4, Informative) 71

I work professionally as a C developer for embedded systems and enjoy programming assembly at my spare time, but I learnt C++ for my hobby projects a few years ago, using primarily C++20.

While I feel very comfortable around pointers, I have to defend modern C++ because I don't think I've ever had to use a pointer in C++20 other than perhaps interfacing with "legacy" C APIs. C++21 meta-programming and its library is powerful enough that you can express pretty much everything you want, especially with the move construct so you can tell the compiler what to do with big data.

Templates with the concepts feature and more and more things added to constexpr now makes it easier than ever to deal with serious low-level hardcore optimizations while keeping the code reasonably high-level. IMO as someone who always obsess about those things.

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If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think I'm an engineer working on something. -- S.R. McElroy
