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Comment Re:FedBizOpps (Score 1) 286

thanks, but I'm not finding anything.

however, a google search turns up that, whatever the grant was, the money's being used for a bunch of privacy-related research, and a lot of the fruits-of-research are publicly available.

does this mean that army research contracts are like senate bills - a list of fundings/grants awarded as a group?

Comment Re:Where Are the Recall Rates? (Score 2) 286

Right now I bet if you were to snap pictures of 10,000 people, you would incorrectly classify at least 100 of them...

thats only a 1% error... is that supposed to make me feel more comfortable? Sounds like the technology works pretty well, pragmatically...
Anyway, sounds mildly-moderately threatening to general privacy. Who's paying for this?

FTFA, grants from:
National Science Foundation, grant # 0713361
US Army Research Office, contract # DAAD190210389

How much?

Comment Re:Scarier is wiretap (Score 1) 652

First of all, "That is why in certain areas where the law is framed in terms of "consumer protection" actual individuals have no standing to claim damages or bring lawsuits against "offending parties"." what? Do you have examples or anything to bring this sentence into some kind of context, instead of just anti-corporate ranting? (not that I'm against anti-corporate ranting!)

I would agree that a major difference between illegal streaming and counterfeit distribution is the consumer as victim. But I'm making the case that it is easy to define illegal streaming as distributing counterfeit goods - in a legal/legislative sense - ESPECIALLY because both political parties in the US serve the wrong masters (namely corporations) . As I said in a different thread in this article, a main purpose for the existence of governments is to protect commerce (er... the ONLY purpose for the current US government), and I would argue that anti-counterfeit laws exist and are mainly for the protection of producers, not consumers.

Comment Re:Civil law, not criminal law. (Score 1) 652

From wikipedia/copyright_infringement: "Article 61 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) requires that signatory countries establish criminal procedures and penalties in cases of "willful trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy on a commercial scale".[4]"

Whatever your personal feelings on copyright enforcement, a primary purpose of governments is to protect commerce. As the TRIPS quotation shows, governments besides the US have agreed that copyright piracy is a criminal offense.

Although I do think the "commercial scale" clause is an important one.

Comment Re:Scarier is wiretap (Score 1) 652

From TFA: "Under federal law, wiretaps may only be conducted in investigations of serious crimes..."

In most countries, manufacturing and selling counterfeit goods ARE series crimes, and considering that many sites that stream media-content (legally or otherwise) make money through advertising, it makes sense to define illegal streaming as distributing counterfeit goods. Although wiretapping and felonies are scary enforcement tactics, why should "counterfeit" content distribution online be any different than the 'real world' version?

Comment Re:This has always been one of my gripes (Score 1) 182

I'm a CS student at ODU (virginia, US) and we have (almost) exactly this as our "capstone" CS course. It's two semesters: the first is software specs, development timeline, funding, that sort of thing; and the second is a kind of semi-implementation. As far as I know, the implementation is done by the same group of students though.

I can see a benefit of a different group doing the implementation, though - when using someone else's specs, it makes you aware of deficiencies in communication, both in the to-be-impemented specs and your personally written ones.

I have to say that I'm not really looking forward to this class. I probably won't be that interested in the group project, and the whole focus seems to be business-oriented... and while I want to develop software (that I'm interested in), I don't want to deal with the business end so much. Yes, INB4 comments about my naivety and such, but what is your advice on what I should try to get out of (focus on) in this dream-class of yours?

Comment Re:This. (Score 1) 580

The moment it becomes even difficult to do my daily job on a Mac is the day I go to Linux permanently...

I whole-heartedly concur. I have an imac as my desktop, basically so it's reliable and I don't have to mess with it, and run linux mint on an asus netbook. I run linux because a) I'm a CS student, and running *nix is a valuable educational experience, and b) it was a hell of a lot cheaper than buying a macbook when I began to need a laptop. After a year or two of experience, I think I would feel comfortable switching to a linux distro on the desktop, and I would have the ability to do that with minimal hassle.

However, that's the main difference between most ./ 'ers and the average mac user. If all apple products became locked down like the iphone/ipad, a disgruntled average user would be a lot more *locked* into just having to deal with it, because of the hassle/cost involved in the move to a different OS and/or hardware. Just because it's a viable option for hybrid mac/linux users doesn't mean that Apple won't switch to this type of software/hardware model out of fear that there will be a sudden mass exodus from OSX.

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