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Submission + - WiFi Mesh Recommendations for a Small Museum 1

pikester writes: I have a friend who is running a museum that is looking to make it more interactive for the visitors. To make this happen, the museum is going to need to have good WiFi connectivity throughout the premises. The good news is that the museum is pretty small. The bad news is that it is located in an old horse barn with many metal walls. I'm hoping to put in a mesh network for him, but most solutions I've seen are pretty bulky. I'm looking for recommendations for a solution that is easily mountable in the building.

Comment What's Flash? (Score 1) 87

Steve Jobs declared the end of Flash in 2007. 10 years later (or 11 if your round really up), it has been true for a couple of years. I'm still surprised that I see Flash video from a local major content supplier. I'm not the guy to fix it, but I'll be happy to enlighten people (let's talk in fact).

Comment Basic Info (Score 1) 584

If you are looking to move every 18 months, you are best renting. If you found a place you want to live for a long time, you are better buying. Short term investments are always a gamble. Long term investments (typically) increase in value in the long term.

Comment Re:Wrong approach (Score 1) 430

To quote Sean Spicer (for the first time for me):
In response to a question about whether Trump’s tweets should be taken seriously as the positions of the White House, Spicer replied that Trump “is the president of the United States, so they’re considered official statements by the president of the United States.”

Comment Kind of like drug testing (Score 1) 550

I had one job offer that would have required me to take a drug test in order to take the job. While I knew that I would pass, I felt that it was something that I would never do for a job. I told the company that if my word that I don't do drugs was not good enough for them, then there was no point in hiring me. I walked away from the whole thing. Honestly, if you don't like the requirements to get the job, don't take the job.

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
