Comment I will believe it when I see it (Score 1, Insightful) 69
Free Govt sponsored access in NYC .. And I have a nice bridge to sell you. As a NYC resident, I can tell you that most capital or near-capital projects have the following phases
(1). Initial Idea
(2). Meetings to fight over who can take credit for having the initial idea
(3). A 3 year bidding process that is actually a moot point since the contract will be given to the company that can give the most semi-legal and illegal campaign contributions.
(4). Implementation, which always goes over budget due to fraud and/or cronyism
(5). The realization that far to many corners were cut to make this thing usable.
There are plenty of free WiFi access points in NYC as it is. A prefessor of urban Planning at NYU has already set up over 30 publically avaibale WiFi access points alone. Lets leave NYC govt out of providing a service they will just find a way to screw up.