So, what you're saying in effect is that you might put in a large investment on the tool (nailgun=$, framework=$time) from which you're hoping to get a long useful life, and perhaps buying those tools from a reputable company (nailgun=Dewalt,Craftsman, framework=Google,Adobe) with the expectation that the tool won't be discontinued/EOL'd and parts/repo's will remain available. The reality is that the nailgun/shiny IDE might not last as long as the older simpler stuff (hammers are older than neaderthals/VI is >30yrs old, Eclipse is 10, Webstorm is 2? 3?). And company reputation is no guarantor of
However, if the Dewalt Model XJ-9 nailgun lasts 5yrs you can finish a helluva lot more roofs in that time than you could with a hammer. Perhaps then we should look at Angular, PhoneGap, nodeJS as specific models of nailguns from which we should extract as much 'juice' as we can in the 2-5yrs they might be useful and presume that we'll be using something else after that.
Unfortunately, the roof/nailgun analogy completely falls apart when you realize that if some of the shingles fall off after the XJ-9 has been discontinued you can still use a regular hammer to fix it; whereas if Angular 3 is EOL'd in 2017 then your PhoneGap app built on it might be left with some vulnerability (all geolocation requests are hacked to only report your current location as the nearest strip club) that Google is not going to fix (having sold off their money-losing software biz in 2016 to focus on crowd pacification robots).
And perhaps, instead of waking up every day wondering if today is the day the
Yosemite super volcano or a planet killer comet wipes us all out, we should just dance (and code) while the sun shines and not worry so much about the future.