Comment Simple: Foxhunt the location of the transmitters (Score 2) 165
This article hitting the big media outlets is sort of reminiscent of the old "In Search Of" episodes I enjoyed as a kid. Heavy on questions to mesmerize you into a sort of helpless state, but low on testable science. Drones are generally controlled via 900 MHz, 2.4 and 5.8 GHz, Even if it were down in the UHF/VHF bands, these are all highly trackable frequencies + modes. Unlike HF Skywave or skip propagation, which entails refracting off the ionosphere and going potentially very long distances (hundreds or thousands of miles), the transmitter location/s of these drones are easily trackable with off-the-shelf amateur radio
I know that transmitter fox hunting isn't as sexy as fuzzy mysteries, but this is one of the reasons I dislike the big media outlets. If they're so stupid on the obvious here, how wrong are they on other topics?