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Comment Battle Really is over (Score 1) 648

An incident in my small hometown in india kind of changed every thing . This was a internet cafe who previously ran windows 98 despite years of windows Xp . The reason why they didnt move was that they don't like to move . I went there to take a printout with USB key from my machine . The net centre guy was about to start a anti virus scan . I told him that its from a GNU/Linux machine .

The net centre guy stopped the scan saying that "virus wont exist in lihnux "and started asking me if he should migrate to"lihnux" .I obviously said yes but before that I started thinking how I used to suggest them to go to GNU/Linux . Now they are considering to go to GNU/Linux all by themselves .

Comment crippling the netbook (Score 1) 266

When Google announced that it was building an linux kernel based OS for netbook , I expected a huge number of Hardware vendors sitting down to get their hardware working . But the first demo shows that its only meant to *cripple* a netbook . Google can't dictate what people should be doing with their netbooks when ubuntu/debian/mandriva or other eee pc based distros are working seamlessly . Added to that I don't think everyone is connected everywhere . I had to search for wifi locations in london city . Maybe 2050 would be the apt time for such a release !

Comment Re:But does it run Windows? (Score 1) 50

I run KDE4 on my EEE 901 effortlessly .

I am using the packages from Debian KDE4 project and Debian eee-pc project . Check my blog post on EEEPC with KDE4 on debian lenny

It's been 7 months I dont have any complaints on the speed but I am irritated with the resolution . Most desktop apps dont render properly in the small screens .

Hence I am waiting for Moblin to be usable

Comment Re:Sick of the paranoia (Score 1) 155

No one is paranoid . Most people still use apache or mozilla or any other non gpl'ed open source license. They are living with it . But the safest bet as a open source code writer would be to license code in GPL because of the restrictions it imposes on the code and protects the principal or first contributor to the code and he would get proper due for his efforts. The ideal foss world will have entire GPL code . ( ideal.. hmm it kind of echoes GNU Hurd :D ) FSF is a great foundation . Do read FSF documents in its site and also please attend FSF meetings and talk to those people. Meet the people at FSF and GNU IRC Channel . Also could you please tell whats wrong with the para I am quoting below .

The free software movement's goal is freedom for computer users. Some, especially corporations, advocate a different viewpoint, known as "open source," which cites only practical goals such as making software powerful and reliable, focuses on development models, and avoids discussion of ethics and freedom. These two viewpoints are different at the deepest level. For more explanation, see

Finally I think that you are one of free as in beer .. and free as in free code guys :P

Comment My first slashdot article (Score 1) 3

kindly excuse me if I have not followed the syntax and semantics . I have a small doubt regarding quotes .. I used quotes in my submission and while I was previewing it , the quotes were properly displayed . But now it's not shown here :( Does slashdot support quotes in submissions?
Linux Business

Submission + - SAP - Open source friend or foe ? ( 3

pavithran writes: "SAP the largest business company offering software solutions, does it support FOSS as a movement? Why is SAP looking at closed and open source in a similar way? This shows lot of ambiguity in SAP's attitude towards Open source software. I found an interesting article in Linux Journal on SAP Open source friend or Foe by Glyn Moody. Here are some snippets from the article.

For an outfit that calls itself "the world's largest business software company", the German software giant SAP is relatively little-known in the source world. With 51,500 employees, a turnover of 11.5 billion euros ($16 billion) last year, and operating profits of 2.7 billion euros ($3.8 billion), SAP is clearly one of the heavyweights in the computer world. Given that huge clout, SAP's attitude to open source is important; and yet it is hard to tell whether it is really free software's friend or its foe.

A company that wished open source well would back these ideas. One that *really* supported free software would also fight against software patents. So, while SAP's involvment in Eclipse and investment in open source companies is welcome — and pretty self-interested, it has to be said, given that it presumably hopes to make a profit on them — it's not really enough cancel out its unhelpful attitude and statements elsewhere. If it wants to be a serious, respected player in the world of open source, as befits its size, it must do better.


Comment Re:Dell is full of crap (Score 1) 84

They only have two PCs sold Ubuntu and two PCs sold with no OS - none of which are even halfway modern systems. It's almost like they don't want to make money from Linux users.

In India dell is not offering many/no ubuntu options . Dell store India shows 3 netbooks ,all of them with "Genuine Windows® XP Home Edition" :( There is a discussion in chennai linux users group regarding this .

You'd almost think that some large monopoly was using them for a hand-puppet.

No need to guess :P

Comment Re:Hardware might work better in OEM Linux (Score 1) 84

I've done so, and things have turned out not to work. For one thing, the NVIDIA TNT2 driver that came with the latest Ubuntu LTS version (8.04) didn't go over 640x480px, when Windows could run the same card at 1024x768px.

Nvidia always was and is a pain for Free software . I really love NVidia graphics and use Nvidia graphic card for my PC (mostly with free drivers ) AMD-ATI on the other hand is trying to free as much as it could . AMD site says

Some of the technologies supported in our driver are protected by non-disclosure agreements with third parties, so we cannot legally release the complete source code to our driver. It is NOT open source. We do, however, include source code for the control panel and certain other public segments. We also actively assist developers in the Open Source community with their work, so if you absolutely require an open source driver for your graphics card, we can recommend using drivers from the DRI project, Utah-GLX project, or others.

Maybe we should all encourage intel .. but power hungry users would always prefer either ATI or Nvidia. I would say go for ATI as it's less evil :D

Comment How incomplete ? (Score 1) 251

How incomplete? So incomplete that, among other things , you won't yet be able to view YouTube videos, change your privacy settings, set your default search provider, or even print.
End Quote

I was shocked to see a browser which was unable to display web pages :O
The irony is that it comes from a company which is a leader on the web and uses GNU/Linux extensively .
Other problems being I was unable to open the JS console or task manager .. maybe in simple words this is a broken software which is not even suitable for testing !!
Running google chrome on Debian lenny 2.6.26-1-686 with KDE 4.1.4

Submission + - KDE 4.2.4 Released

An anonymous reader writes: KDE 4.2.4 has been released. See the release announcement for details.

Submission + - Open Video Standard gets push w/Firefox 3.5 beta

bmullan writes: "Today Dailymotion, one of the world's largest video sites, announced support for Open Video.
They've put out a press release, a blog post on the new Open Video site as well as an HTML 5 demo site where you can see some of the things that you can do with open video and Firefox 3.5 (you can get the Firefox 3.5 beta here.
They are automatically transcoding all of the content that their Motion MakersOfficial Users create and expect to have around 300,000 videos transcoded into the open Ogg Theora and Vorbis formats. You can view the site they have up at"

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