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Comment Apple ][s and PETs (Score 1) 192

My High School has two computer rooms: one with Commodore PETs and the other with Apple ][s. The head of the math department hand-networked the PETs to a single CBM dual drive depots them not being able to do this. You had to have a trophy on top of your PET to use the drive. If two or more computers tried to use it, it wouldn't be happy. It was clunky, but it worked. It also saved on buying drive for every computer.

There was also a paper teletype in that room connected to a remote system.

The Apple ][s each had their own drive since those were cheaper than the CBM dual drives. I programmed on everything and eventually got my own Apple ][.

Comment Re:Why not? (Score 1) 70

The knowledge is irrelevant. Whether you learn from it is irrelevant. Whether you remember it is irrelevant. It's only the mere possession of an unauthorized copy to begin with that matters. Copyright is literally only about the copy. It's right there in the name. You're making this a more difficult concept than it actually is.

Comment Re:Why not? (Score 1) 70

Assuming the entity you borrowed the book from had an authorized copy to begin with, the First Sale doctrine allows said entity to do anything they want with it: lend it, destroy it, put it under the short leg of a table, whatever. There is only ever one authorized copy in the current scenario.

Comment Re:Why not? (Score 1) 70

Humans are allowed to learn from *authorized* copyrighted materials, i.e., you bought a book so you have an authorized copy. Meta is using *unauthorized* copyrighted materials, hence guilty of copyright infringement. But you would also be guilty of copyright infringement if you obtained an unauthorized copy of a copyrighted material.

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