Comment I probably would upgrade if I could, but... (Score 4, Informative) 437
They haven't pushed the OTA upgrade to my Nexus 5 yet.
They haven't pushed the OTA upgrade to my Nexus 5 yet.
He passes to Moses...
He shoots..
Animals are always the guinea pigs (no pun intended). This is an amazing breakthrough. Surely it's not too long before we have prosthetic limbs for people!
And 15 years ago I bought a massive 2GB drive for $350.
Computer stuff gets cheaper over time. There's no reason the same won't be true for SSDs. At some point SSDs will be cheap enough that even if HDD are still 1/100th of the price, SSDs will still win because of all their other advantages.
Nope, it means you were lucky!
Anyone who contributes money to a Kickstarter project deserves what they get.
(And I have been sucked in the past, so I know how easy it is).
Wait until the product is on the shelf, and then buy it. If it's really that great, it will get made.
So you mean you were doing 80mph in a 45mph limit as well?
I'm not sure taking video of that and putting it on youtube is that good an idea.
Having anything placed under my skull in direct contact with my brain sounds a little invasive to me.
Honestly, I really love the Starts With a Bang blog, and have been reading it for years.
But I do have to wonder why every single post is announced on
We already have RSS, we subscribe, we know about it. By the time
In communist North Korea, darkness finds you!
Drop your weapons. You have 20 seconds to comply.
There's nothing in that list (with the possible exception of "being forced to use a specific technology") that wouldn't apply to just about any worker.
...until the total length of video on YouTube is greater than the age of the universe?
I thought we were post-PC! Where are the tablets that are supposedly taking over the world?
Does anyone get the feeling that if Apple was rumoured to be working on a shoe phone, Microsoft would immediately start doing the same?
Whoever dies with the most toys wins.