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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
no firewall, but something similar  *Wednesday July 30, 2014 @12:06PM  2
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Is Running Mission-Critical Servers Without a Firewall Common?
are consumers financial transactors?  *Monday June 24, 2013 @10:12AM  2
   attached to California Sends a Cease and Desist Order To the Bitcoin Foundation
mature response to a corporate stumble  *Tuesday May 07, 2013 @06:35PM 6 5, Insightful
   attached to Microsoft Prepares Rethink On Windows 8
Re:Wrong interpretation  *Wednesday May 01, 2013 @09:17AM 4 1
victory for open source  *Wednesday May 01, 2013 @08:57AM 2 2
   attached to Finfisher Spyware Use By Governments Expanding, Masquerades as Firefox
septum?  *Monday April 29, 2013 @06:40PM 2 2
   attached to Space Coffee, Just the Way You Like It
teaching young dogs old tricks  *Monday April 29, 2013 @06:38PM  1
   attached to Can Older Software Developers Still Learn New Tricks?
I.....must.....get....the vote!  *Wednesday October 24, 2012 @10:28AM  1
   attached to Best Trek Captain?
academic tenure is an elitist system  *Tuesday October 02, 2012 @04:07PM 2 1
   attached to Misconduct, Not Error, Is the Main Cause of Scientific Retractions
Re:Romneybot to lose debate  *Monday October 01, 2012 @04:45PM 3 0
Re:Romneybot to lose debate  *Monday October 01, 2012 @04:08PM 1 1
   attached to The Fastest ISPs In the US
why trust the government  *Wednesday September 26, 2012 @12:46PM 5 4, Insightful
   attached to Cybersecurity Laws Would Do More Harm Than Good
Re:If it ain't broke  *Monday September 17, 2012 @04:56PM 1 4, Interesting
Re:If it ain't broke  *Monday September 17, 2012 @04:34PM 2 2
   attached to Microsoft Wants To Nix Data Center Backup Generators
Re:Theory or fact?  *Wednesday April 11, 2012 @03:46PM 1 2
Re:Theory or fact?  *Wednesday April 11, 2012 @03:22PM 1 2
Re:Theory or fact?  *Wednesday April 11, 2012 @03:01PM  2
Re:Theory or fact?  *Wednesday April 11, 2012 @02:57PM 1 2
Re:Theory or fact?  *Wednesday April 11, 2012 @02:54PM 1 2
Re:Theory or fact?  *Wednesday April 11, 2012 @02:26PM 1 2
Re:Theory or fact?  *Wednesday April 11, 2012 @02:19PM 1 2
Re:Theory or fact?  *Wednesday April 11, 2012 @02:16PM 1 3
Re:Theory or fact?  *Wednesday April 11, 2012 @02:08PM 2 0, Offtopic
Re:Theory or fact?  *Wednesday April 11, 2012 @01:43PM 1 2
   attached to Tennessee "Teaching the Controversy" Bill Becomes Law

Nobody said computers were going to be polite.
