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Comment Sensible versioning (Score 1) 65

Even with the SDK, why wouldnâ(TM)t you have a properly scoped URI with embedded version so as to âoeprotectâ against breaking changes? So if v1 returned Boolean and v2 returned the pointer to a struct, you donâ(TM)t cause unintended consequences and allow a graceful deprecating of the old call.

This is pretty standard distribute system stuff.

Comment Power Pot (Score 1) 146

While I have no affiliation with these guys, I think they might be useful for the power replenishment side of your camping problem :

PS I don't camp either, but I have used their Power Practical ( accessories for 'city boy' use cases :-)

Comment "Why" matters a lot... (Score 1) 267

Depends on "why" you're trying to block access:

Surfing Facebook is a productivity hit? A time bound exception (30 mins at a time) might be a viable approach.
Porn? Probably no valid reason to surf porn at most jobs.

As a previous poster said, if you're really concerned about malware / C+C servers etc, blacklist everything, whitelist a hand full of websites required for the job.

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