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Comment Re: One day it's like a miracle, it will disappea (Score 1) 542

Seriously though, the ventilator was a mistake. Hcq too, but budesonide works for sure, go buy a nebulizer and an inhaler, or wait, i mean get an mmr vacccine, or just accept you are fleeting and not that important to society. The people with smallpox vaccine scars aren't wearing masks, not because they think they are immortal, but because they have seen worse and know humanity will go on.

Comment morning light (Score 1) 279

Morning light is the best light. I'd rather miss evening light. I'm not a morning person at all, but when my child wakes me up to play just as it gets light there is something wonderful about the quality of the light and the air in the morning. I Luke fall back because I get that time again. Why is everyone obsessed with light after work?

Comment efficiency (Score 1) 629

Not eating the organ meats and obsessing about lean cuts is part of the efficiency problem, but also part of the health problem. Organ meats are good for you. I've tried a vegan lifestyle. At least for me, pulse and bean protein doesn't absorb very well. The genetic markers for this have been isolated. I need meat to be my healthiest self. We could crispr the next generation of us to be able to synthesize more amino acids and vitamins and that would help solve the problem too.

Comment percentile (Score 1) 606

Google finds me a /. Article from last week about how on average women are better at stem than men, but that starting around he top ten percent it crosses back the other way quickly. At the 90th its 50/50 but at the 95th it was more like 15/85 towards the men. So even though women are better on average the 10 percent that are best at stem are mostly men. Less than 10% work in stem, and making the assumption that those best at it would choose the career, it isn't surprising there are fewer women in stem.

Comment troll food (Score 1, Interesting) 558

Damore's paper insinuated no such thing. It recognized that there are differences in how the sexes think, and cited papers saying women were more emotional on average. These are not things anyone who has read any scientific literature would dispute. Its isn't just correlative studies either. We understand the mechanisms well.

Comment zombie (Score 1) 513

And a if a normal person who had a bad life experience, who *should* be sad, is incorrectly prescribed this same drug. They also feel like a zombie because they are dulled even from normal. They can deal better with stress because they feel it differently, and they become dependent on that to cope. They end up being OK with things they shouldn't be. I have coworkers like this. They have been on SSRIs since their teens and they don't say no or draw boundaries like they should because they don't feel all that they should. One coworker who was normal lost his spouse, got put on SSRIs and then tried to shoot the bouncer at a strip club. He didn't own a gun or go to strip clubs before the pills. The suicidal and homicidal side effects are well documented. These drugs can help people who are sad or anxious when they shouldn't be, particularly to get them out of bad thought patterns, but persistent use has life changing effects that aren't all upside even for the clinically depressed. And giving them to people dealing with loss or stress that is a result of actual life events that should cause those feelings is a cheap but horrible alternative to therapy.

Comment vba (Score 1) 154

I find java in an uncanny valley. Its still a few times slower than c++ for the sort of stuff I do but it isn't enough quicker to develop than c++ to be worth that hit. Python is far slower than java even using numpy but its so easy to develop in that it is worth the gamble that it will be fast enough. And the rewrite in c++ will go quickly even if it isn't. The title is because VBA is 11x faster than numpy at small dense matricies and almost as easy to develop in.

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