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Comment Life Expectency vs. Extended Years (Score 1) 249

An interesting concept to note: TFA mentions they found it extends life expectancy by three years. With this, I would argue that the exercise was found to "extend your life" by more than three years.

For example, imagine I said there was a process to delay "old age" deaths by 50 years. Does your life expectancy go up 50 years? No, it goes up far less than that due to other types of death that can occur.

It's all semantics and statistics anyway, but I just thought I'd point out they were using life expectancy values.

Comment Re:Single Player Cheating (Score 1) 591

For multiplayer, fine. put cheat detection, require Battle.NET, whatever. If I am playing with other people I want to feel that the games are fair. But don't restrict what I can do on single player. If what I do in single player impacts multiplayer so much that it requires these kind of measures, then that is just plain bad game design. Also, until I have broadband internet access everywhere I take my laptop, constant internet requirements are going to guarantee I will not buy the game.

There's one caveat to this argument - for Blizzard game developers, it would take more time to create a single player mode*.

The game is currently developed as a client/server relationship - the Diablo 3 client intentionally doesn't have everything needed to play the game*. This is in contrast to it's predecessor, which had a very weak client/server relationship (and it's why in Diablo 2 there are dozens of map hacks and other cheats that function on Battle.net)

So sure, they could create a single player mode mode that cannot log into Battle.net that doesn't have this relationship. But it would require a lot more effort for a subset of their audience. Like Starcraft 2, I bet they decided it wasn't worth the extra development. I also bet they didn't expect such an outcry, especially since Starcraft 2 already set their precedent.

*Note - pure speculation. I have no sources. I'm just a Diablo 2 player and software developer.

Comment Re:This can only mean one thing (Score 1) 406

Wrong. Amazon launched a cloud-based music locker. Google is launching a cloud-based music catalog that will not have a per-use fee, precisely what got mp3.com destroyed. Credit goes to Google.

Are you confusing Amazon's MP3 purchasing service with their Cloud-based MP3 Storage service? It is easy to confuse the two, especially since if you purchase a MP3 with Amazon they will automatically place it in their free Cloud-based MP3 storage. Amazon's cloud based storage does not have a per-use fee. They do have a limit to the amount of free storage you have, which if you want to go above, you must pay them for. Otherwise, you can enjoy free streaming of MP3s you upload to their service. If I'm missing a difference between what Google just launched and Amazon's service, I'm interested to hear it.

Comment Re:This only addresses one aspect of altruism... (Score 1) 360

So why do we help people who are not related to us?

Compassion and caring is not bounded by family boundaries, so it seems to me that the evolutionary advantage behind altruism is still questionable.

Why would that invalidate the advantage? You still benefit the people around you, who are more likely to be your family members. Especially if you go back a few hundred years. I don't believe you need to directly explain evolution on a "family" scale in the first place. It's not selective breeding. It takes a large number of iterations to cause a behavior like altruism to surface. Perhaps it takes a much larger number of iterations than a behavior that is more "greedy", but the behavior's evolution isn't invalidated.

Comment Re:Yes, and? (Score 1) 514

Apple is doing so much better than its competition, this article is delusional. Apple has always maintained the look and feel of their products as something unique to them. They created it, why should other companies be allowed to copy them? They can come up with their own unique designs. This lawsuit fits perfectly with this idea. No need to project some sort of desperation scenario.

Also, the article is factually incorrect when it states Android is surging past iOS in market share (iOS maintains a significant lead over Android, and always has, although on Slashdot ignorance is bliss, so I fully expect some replies from people ignorantly claiming this isn't true), and Apple's market share is increasing, and their revenues are increasing, and their profits are increasing. They are the most financially successful cell phone maker on the planet. They do not fear Google's business model. Why would they when their own is working so well? Not just working well, but working significantly better than that of anyone else?

This article is just the same old uninformed nonsense you expect from people who don't understand that the reason people make money is to buy things. Just because something is free (or "less than free") does not mean people will want it, nor does it mean that people won't pay more for something else. Store shelves wouldn't contain name brands if people always chose the cheapest option.

iOS far outsells Android, yet clearly Apple's business model is doomed? Brilliant!

Forgive my ignorance, but when I did a quick Google search for "ios vs android market share", the most recent result showed Android ahead of iPhone in smart phones. Am I missing something? http://blog.nielsen.com/nielsenwire/online_mobile/who-is-winning-the-u-s-smartphone-battle/

I am aware, as I think most people, that even if Apple has less market share, their revenue and profit far outweighs anyone else on the market.

Even if Apple still has greater market share, you are wrong to say they don't fear Android. iOs had over a year head start - and the numbers are already scary. Your logic - that because they are doing well, they must not fear Google's business model, is flawed. You can both be 'winning' and fear the competition.

Also, the article was stating the lawsuit is doomed. Not the company's business model.

The point of the article, that Apple's strategy here is to give Android a price via lawsuits, still seems pretty valid to me.

Comment Re:I wonder... (Score 1) 79

With all the grief slashdot gives the Apple App Store, when was the last time anyone read about a malicious or flawed app leaking personal information.

Would this really have been more detectable with Apple's approval process? It's been a while, but I've heard of apps getting passed Apple's approval process that should not have - apps that had hidden functionality even. Flaws like this probably get overlooked all the time. In fact, Android may have an advantage here. I don't know how iOs apps communicate with each other, but Android apps are sand-boxed with very specific ways they have to communicate. I'm out of date on my iOs information, though. I'd love to hear comments from some iOs developers.

Comment Gamestop has been hiring Windows Mobile Developers (Score 1) 53

Gamestop hired several of my friends in Texas late last year - but they were all Windows Mobile 6 developers for enterprise stuff. Combine that with the fact you can develop for the XBox and Windows Mobile 7 in the same solution, and it seems like that is where they will go. I hope it works out for them.. but I don't have high expectations of Windows Mobile 7.

Comment Re:Class action lawsuit ? (Score 1) 295

Microsoft doesn't pay dividends.

Microsoft has been paying a quarterly dividend since 2004. Also, even if they did not pay a dividend, companies sometimes buy their own stock to un-dilute the shares. The shareholders then have stock that is worth more money. http://www.google.com/finance?q=microsoft Click the "5years" button.

Comment Re:Easy but far too simple solution (Score 2, Insightful) 216

You should really read the posts you are replying to before bashing them. The guy was just saying it won't solve the problem. He didn't say it 'has had no impact'. He was simply stating that the solution to this problem requires some action on Adobe's part... just like how the solution to most security problems you bring up require some action on Microsoft's part.

Submission + - Why Motivation is Key for Artificial Intelligence (technologyreview.com) 1

Al writes: "MIT neuroscientist Ed Boyden has a column on Technology Review discussing the potential dangers of building super-intelligent machines without building in some sort of motivation or drive. Boyden warns that a very clever AI without a sense of purpose might very well "realize the impermanence of everything, calculate that the sun will burn out in a few billion years, and decide to play video games for the remainder of its existence". He also notes that the complexity and uncertainty of the universe could easily overwhelm the decision-making process of this intelligence--a problem that many humans also struggle with. Boyden will give a talk on the subject at the forthcoming Singularity Summit."

Comment From TFA.. (Score 1) 439

"...analyzed survey data from 552 adults in the Seattle-Tacoma area. The subjects ranged in age from 19 to 90, according to the study.." Yes- I'm sure this is enough data. 552 adults in the Seattle-Tacoma area that were willing to participate in the study is all you need to prove your hypothesis! Seriously- I read this on MSNBC yesterday and was finally fed up enough to remove MSNBC from my RSS reader. This crap is meaningless.

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